AN324050550815en-000201 | 11
Danfoss © | 2020.07
Installation Guide
Danfoss ECdry Touch Kit
Designing the layout
Draw a floor plan of the room and determine
the most logical location for the control sys-
tem and the position of the floor heating mats.
Consider the placement of the thermostat to
get the most convenient access and make sure
the necessary power supply is available.
The output cord from the control system will
go into the right side of the heating element,
so you should start laying the first heat ele-
ment on the right side of the floor and work
towards the left side. Remember to keep
at least 70 mm of free space between the
skirting/wall and the first heating element
for the plug-in connection between the floor
heating element and the control system. Use
the filler material to fill this space afterwards.
Examples of calculations are provided below
to help you work out how many ECdry floor
heating mats are required. All ECdry floor
heating mats are one metre wide and the
standard length varies from one to five me-
tres. Reduce the length of the elements to
the required size as shown in the table.
Example 1
: When the area is 5 m wide and 6 m
long, you will need 5 × 5 m ECdry floor heating
mats, plus 5 square metres of filler material.
Example 2
: When the area is 3.75 m wide
and 7.10 m long, you will need 6 × 4 m
ECdry floor heating mats. Cut the 4 m long
elements down to 3.75 m. You will also need
0.38 square metres (buy 1 square metre) of
filler material. A ECdry floor heating exten-
sion cord is available as an accessory. Use
the cord in the event that you are unable
to make a direct connection between two
adjacent floor heating elements or between
the 1
mat and thermostat kit. The exten-
sion cords must only be placed in the filler
material and not on top of the heating ele-
ment. The extension cords can be extended
with each other if necessary (if you need
3 m extension cords you can use 2 m + 1 m
extension cords).
Example 3
: When placing the elements after
each other you should always cut away the
cold end (25 cm) of the element to avoid
cold zones.