Danfoss APP 5.1 User Manual Download Page 33


180R9263  /  IOM APP 5.1-10.2 Appendices - v02  /  01.2013


APP pump instruction APP 5.1-10.2


180R9072  /  521B0747  /  DKCFN.PI.010.D4.02  /  10.2012




System design

Nessie® is a trademark of Danfoss A/S



 521B0747   DKCFN.PI.010.D4.ML




Water Pump

type APP 5.1/5.6/7.2/8.2/10.2 


1.  Identifi cation

2.  Conception du système

3.  Montage de la pompe

4.  Mise en route initiale

5.  Fonctionnement

6.  Service


1.  Identifi cación

2.  Diseño del sistema

3.  Montaje de la unidad de bombeo

4.  Arranque de la bomba

5.  Operación

6.  Servicio Técnico

1. Identifi cation
1.  Identifi cación

2. Conception du système

2.1  Systèmes ouverts avec réservoir d’eau

2.2  Systèmes ouverts avec alimentation directe

2.3  Pompes réversibles

La conception du système doit garantir que la pompe ne puisse se vider 

lorsque l’installation est à l’arrêt

La pression à l’entrée de la pompe ne peut jamais excéder la pression 

à la sortie. Ceci peut survenir lorsque la pompe est alimentée par une 

pompe de gavage ou dans des systèmes ouverts avec alimentation 


Afi n d’éviter tout problème, il est recommandé d’installer un clapet 

anti-retour pré-taré en sortie de pompe ou un pressostat à l’entrée de la 


La pression d’ouverture du clapet anti-retour doit être supérieure ou 

égale à la pression mesurée à l’entrée de la pompe.

2.  Diseño del sistema

Los sistemas pueden ser de dos tipos:

2.1.  Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica con suministro de agua de un 


2.2.  Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica con suministro directo de 


2.3.  Problemas con bombas reversibles

El diseño del sistema debe asegurar que la bomba de agua no se vacíe 

cuando esté parada.

La presión de la entrada de agua a la bomba nunca debe de ser superior 

a la presión de salida. Esto puede ocurrir normalmente en sistemas con 

una  bomba booster o en sistemas abiertos a presión atmosférica con 

un suministro directo de agua. Para evitar esto, se recomienda instalar 

una válvula antiretorno pretensionada o una válvula de seguridad 

entre la bomba y la válvula bypass. La presión de apertura de la válvula 

antiretorno debe ser mayor o igual a la presión de entrada del agua.


1.  Identifi cation

2.  System design

3.  Building up the pump unit

4.  Initial start up

5.  Operation

6.  Service


1.  Bezeichnung

2.  Systemaufbau

3.  Aufbau der Pumpeneinheit

4.  Erste Inbetriebnahme

5.  Betrieb

6.   Wartung

1. Identifi cation
1. Bezeichnung

2. System design

2.1 Open-ended systems with water supply from a tank.

2.2 Open-ended systems with direct water supply.

2.3 Problems with reversing pumps

The design of the system must ensure that self-emptying of the pump 

during standstill is avoided.

The inlet pressure of the pump must never exceed the outlet pressure. 

This may typically occur in boosted or open-ended systems with direct 

water supply. 

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to install a prestressed check 

valve or a pressure switch in the pump inlet.

The opening pressure of the check valve must be bigger or equal to the 

inlet pressure.

2. Systemaufbau

2.1  Off ene Systeme ohne Rückführung mit Versorgung aus einem Tank.

2.2  Off ene Systeme ohne Rückführung, mit direkter Wasserversorgung.

2.3  Umkehrpumpen 

Der Systemaufbau muß sichern, daß sich die Pumpe im Stillstand nicht 


Der Druck am Pumpeneinlaß darf den Druck am Pumpenauslaß nicht 

übersteigen. Dies mag typisch in “boosted” oder off enen Systemen mit 

direkter Wasserversorgung auftreten. 

Um dies zu vermeiden, empfehlen wir die Montage eines vorgespann-

ten Rückschlagventils oder eines Druckschalters in der Pumpeneinlass-

Seite. Der Öff nungsdruck des Rückschlagventils muß den Einlaßdruck 

übersteigen oder diesem gleich sein.

The design of the system must ensure that 

self-emptying of the pump during standstill is 


The inlet pressure of the pump must never 

exceed the outlet pressure. This may typically 

occur in boosted or open-ended systems with 

direct water supply.

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to 

install a prestressed check valve or a pressure 

switch in the pump inlet.

The opening pressure of the check valve must be 

bigger or equal to the inlet pressure.




System design


Open-ended systems with water supply from tank


Open-ended systems with direct water supply


Reversible pumps


General guidelines for calculation of pressure losses


General comments on


Building up the pump unit




Direction of rotation




Protection from too high pressures




Initial start-up








Dry running






Open-ended systems with water supply from tank


Open-ended systems with direct water supply




Periodic maintenance




EC Declaration of Conformity

APP pump instruction

APP 5.1-10.2 (180R9072)

Table of Contents


APP pump instruction APP 5.1-10.2


180R9072  /  521B0747  /  DKCFN.PI.010.D4.02  /  10.2012


Open-ended systems with water supply 

from tank

(The numbers 1- 3 refer to the drawing below)

In order to eliminate the risk of cavitation, 

observe the following guidelines:


Place the tank above the pump (water level 

in the tank should always be above the 



Place the inlet filter before the tank.


Dimension the inlet line to obtain mini-

mum pressure loss (large flow area, 

minimum pipe length, minimum number 

of bends/connections, fittings with small 

pressure losses).


If noise has to be considered, the inlet line 

must be a flexible soft hose.

521B0747   DKCFN.PI.010.D3.ML

Re 2.1 Open-ended systems, water supply from tank

(The numbers 1- 3 refer to the drawing below)

In order to eliminate the risk of cavitation, observe the following 


1)  Place the tank above the pump (water level in the tank should 

always be above the pump).

2)  Place the inlet fi lter before the tank.

3)  Dimension the inlet line to obtain minimum pressure loss (large 

fl ow area, minimum pipe length, minimum number of bends/

connections, fi ttings with small pressure losses).

4)  If noise has to be considered, the inlet line must be a fl exible soft 


2.1 Off ene Systeme mit Wassertank

(Die Nummern 1- 3 beziehen sich auf die unten abgebildete Zeichnung)

Um das Risiko der Kavitation zu vermeiden, befolgen Sie folgende


1)  Den Tank über der Pumpe hoch anbringen (der Wasserstand im 

Behälter sollte immer über Pumpenniveau sein).

2)  Das Zulauffi  lter vor dem Behälter anbringen.

3)  Die Saugleitung im Hinblick auf minimalen Druckverlust 

dimensionieren (großer Durchströmungsbereich, minimale 

Rohrlänge, minimale Anzahl von Winkelverschraubungen und 

Verschraubungen mit kleinem Druckverlust).

4)  Falls Geräusch berücksichtigt werden muss, muss die Saugleitung 

ein fl exibler Schlauch sein.

Re 2.1 Systèmes ouverts avec réservoir d’eau

(Les numéros 1- 3 se  réfèrent au schéma repris ci-dessous)

Pour éliminer tout risque de cavitation, observez les recommandations 


1)  Placer le réservoir au-dessus de la pompe (le niveau de l’eau dans le 

réservoir devra toujours être plus haut que la pompe).

2)  Placer le fi ltre d’aspiration avant le réservoir.

3)  Dimensionner la conduite d’aspiration de manière à obtenir une 

perte de charge minimale (grand diamètre, conduite courte, un 

minimum de courbes,  raccords avec faibles pertes de charge).

Re 2.1. Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica, suministro de un 

tanque de agua.

(Los números 1-3 se refi eren al gráfi co adjuntado)

Para eliminar los riesgos de cavitación, observe las siguientes 


1)  Coloque el tanque por encima de la bomba (el nivel del agua del 

tanque siempre debe estar por encima del nivel de la bomba).

2)  Coloque el fi ltro de entrada antes del tanque.

3)  Dimensione la línea de la entrada de manera que se obtenga la 

menor pérdida de presión (una máxima sección de tubería, un 

mínimo de tuberías, un mínimo de recodos/conexiones, juntas con 

pocas pérdidas de presión).

4)  Si hay que tener en cuenta el ruido, entonces la línea de entrada 

debe ser una manguera fl exible.

Re 2.2 Open-ended systems with direct water supply 

The pump is supplied with water direct from from a booster pump.

The water pressure must not exceed 5 bar abs. (72,5 psi).

2.2 Off ene Systeme mit direkter Wasserversorgung

Die Pumpe wird direkt von einer Zwischenpumpe versorgt.

Der Wasserdruck darf 5 bar abs. nicht übersteigen.

Re 2.2 Systèmes ouverts avec alimentation directe

La pompe est alimentée en eau par une pompe de gavage.

La pression d’alimentation ne peut excéder 5 bar abs. (72.5 psi).

Re 2.2.    Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica con suministro 

directo de agua.

La bomba se abastece con agua procedente de una bomba “booster”. La 

presión del agua no debe exceder los 5 bar absolutos (72,5 psi). 


Open-ended systems with direct water 


The pump is supplied with water direct from 

from a booster pump. The water pressure must 

not exceed 5 bar abs. (72.5 psi).

2.3  Reversible pumps

If exposed to high pressure in the outlet while 

the electric motor is not energized, the pumps 

will start spinning backwards. This will not harm 

the pumps as long as the pressure in the inlet 

does not exceed the max. pressure of 5 bar.

If a non-return valve is mounted in the inlet line, 

a low-pressure relief valve will also be required.

Alternatively a high-pressure check valve could 

be mounted in the pump discharge line to 

prevent the pump from reversing.

The dotted setup ensures that the inlet pressure 

does not exceed the 5 bar abs., when a non-

return valve is mounted in the inlet.

521B0747   DKCFN.PI.010.D3.ML

Re 2.1 Open-ended systems, water supply from tank

(The numbers 1- 3 refer to the drawing below)

In order to eliminate the risk of cavitation, observe the following 


1)  Place the tank above the pump (water level in the tank should 

always be above the pump).

2)  Place the inlet fi lter before the tank.

3)  Dimension the inlet line to obtain minimum pressure loss (large 

fl ow area, minimum pipe length, minimum number of bends/

connections, fi ttings with small pressure losses).

4)  If noise has to be considered, the inlet line must be a fl exible soft 


2.1 Off ene Systeme mit Wassertank

(Die Nummern 1- 3 beziehen sich auf die unten abgebildete Zeichnung)

Um das Risiko der Kavitation zu vermeiden, befolgen Sie folgende


1)  Den Tank über der Pumpe hoch anbringen (der Wasserstand im 

Behälter sollte immer über Pumpenniveau sein).

2)  Das Zulauffi  lter vor dem Behälter anbringen.

3)  Die Saugleitung im Hinblick auf minimalen Druckverlust 

dimensionieren (großer Durchströmungsbereich, minimale 

Rohrlänge, minimale Anzahl von Winkelverschraubungen und 

Verschraubungen mit kleinem Druckverlust).

4)  Falls Geräusch berücksichtigt werden muss, muss die Saugleitung 

ein fl exibler Schlauch sein.

Re 2.1 Systèmes ouverts avec réservoir d’eau

(Les numéros 1- 3 se  réfèrent au schéma repris ci-dessous)

Pour éliminer tout risque de cavitation, observez les recommandations 


1)  Placer le réservoir au-dessus de la pompe (le niveau de l’eau dans le 

réservoir devra toujours être plus haut que la pompe).

2)  Placer le fi ltre d’aspiration avant le réservoir.

3)  Dimensionner la conduite d’aspiration de manière à obtenir une 

perte de charge minimale (grand diamètre, conduite courte, un 

minimum de courbes,  raccords avec faibles pertes de charge).

Re 2.1. Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica, suministro de un 

tanque de agua.

(Los números 1-3 se refi eren al gráfi co adjuntado)

Para eliminar los riesgos de cavitación, observe las siguientes 


1)  Coloque el tanque por encima de la bomba (el nivel del agua del 

tanque siempre debe estar por encima del nivel de la bomba).

2)  Coloque el fi ltro de entrada antes del tanque.

3)  Dimensione la línea de la entrada de manera que se obtenga la 

menor pérdida de presión (una máxima sección de tubería, un 

mínimo de tuberías, un mínimo de recodos/conexiones, juntas con 

pocas pérdidas de presión).

4)  Si hay que tener en cuenta el ruido, entonces la línea de entrada 

debe ser una manguera fl exible.

Re 2.2 Open-ended systems with direct water supply 

The pump is supplied with water direct from from a booster pump.

The water pressure must not exceed 5 bar abs. (72,5 psi).

2.2 Off ene Systeme mit direkter Wasserversorgung

Die Pumpe wird direkt von einer Zwischenpumpe versorgt.

Der Wasserdruck darf 5 bar abs. nicht übersteigen.

Re 2.2 Systèmes ouverts avec alimentation directe

La pompe est alimentée en eau par une pompe de gavage.

La pression d’alimentation ne peut excéder 5 bar abs. (72.5 psi).

Re 2.2.    Sistema abierto a presión atmosférica con suministro 

directo de agua.

La bomba se abastece con agua procedente de una bomba “booster”. La 

presión del agua no debe exceder los 5 bar absolutos (72,5 psi). 

5 bar

[72.5 psi]

Summary of Contents for APP 5.1

Page 1: ...ion and Maintenance Manual APP pumps APP 5 1 10 2 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE Lenntech info lenntech com Tel 31 152 610 900 www lenntech com Fax 31 152 616 289 info lenntech com Tel 31 152 610 900 w...

Page 2: ...inspection transportation handling lifting and storage 9 4 1 Arrival inspection 9 4 2 Warning 9 4 3 General safety information 9 4 4 Transport and handling 9 4 5 Return to supplier 10 4 6 Storage 10 5...

Page 3: ...7 4 Disassembling and assembling the pump unit 15 7 5 Assembling the pump unit 16 7 6 Procedure for mounting pump back onto electric motor 16 7 7 Getting the pump unit back into operation 16 7 8 Stor...

Page 4: ...ps v01 01 2013 This manual is valid for APP pumps with the following code numbers serial numbers Validity APP 5 1 Code no 180B3005 Serial no 03 APP 6 5 Code no 180B3006 Serial no 03 APP 7 2 Code no 18...

Page 5: ...5 180R9263 IOM APP Pumps v01 01 2013 EU Declaration of Conform ity...

Page 6: ...ty regulations and laws It is the responsibility of the safety officer or the chief operator to assure compliance with all local regulations that are not taken into account in this manual Changing the...

Page 7: ...alves must be verified and free flow from safety valves must be ensured All pipe and hose connections must be stress free mounted securely fastened to the pumps and well supported Improper installatio...

Page 8: ...d replacement of the complete motor pump unit it is recommended having sufficient space around the unit For easy access to the unit at least 1 meter 40 inches available space should be kept free aroun...

Page 9: ...ved in lifting and transporting the equipment see Safety chapter 2 must be trained in handling and safety procedures when lifting heavy loads Many of the pumps and pump units weigh more than 20 kilos...

Page 10: ...hat the unit load is balanced before attempting to lift as the centre of the mass is different from pump to pump and pump unit to pump unit How to mount the pump and the electric motor correctly toget...

Page 11: ...or rust is not removed the pump and the valves can be damaged and in the worst case damaged beyond repair 5 3 Fluid temperature Before start up the fluid and pump housing temperature must be above the...

Page 12: ...pump in outlet CP13 Check piping for possible air gaps 5 7 Lifting and positioning Lift the pump unit onto base Remember vibration dampers if needed Fasten the motor to the base See also chapter 4 Arr...

Page 13: ...ling true the hole in the bell housing not available on all bell houses If the motor is turning the wrong direction switch two phases in the connection box of the motor or reprogram the direction in V...

Page 14: ...Very high temperatures can indicate one or more damaged parts inside the pump The pump then needs to be stopped immediately and inspected before running again Contact the maintenance depart ment G Dr...

Page 15: ...For instructions on lifting the complete pump unit see chapter 4 Arrival inspection transportation handling lifting and storage H For the small pumps unscrew the bolts holding the pump to the bell ho...

Page 16: ...m the coupling manufacturer Mount the flexible coupling and bell housing according to the Data sheet appendix 1 and APP pump instruction appendix 2 7 7 Getting the pump unit back into operation Find i...

Page 17: ...gh pressure can lead to eye or skin damage Leaking can result in flooding which again can cause a risk of slipping tripping or falling If water is dripping into the electric motor it can lead to elect...

Page 18: ...utor 6 8 Dimensions 8 11 Disassembling 15 16 E Electric motor 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 Electrical failure 17 Electrical hazard 6 Electrics 12 EU Declaration of Conformity 5 F Failure 8 17 Filter cond...

Page 19: ...Front page for Appendices APP 5 1 10 2 User manual Appendices for Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual APP pumps APP 5 1 10 2 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE...

Page 20: ...1 2013 Table of Contents 1 Data sheet for APP 5 1 10 2 pumps 521B0851 3 2 APP pump instruction APP 5 1 10 2 180R9072 13 3 IOM Electric motors 180R9230 21 4 Recommended service intervals for APP pumps...

Page 21: ...1 Data sheet for APP 5 1 10 2 pumps 521B0851 ro solutions com Data sheet APP pumps APP 5 1 10 2 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE...

Page 22: ...required The pumps are fixed displacement pumps in which the flow is proportional to the number of revolutions of the input shaft and the pump displacement regardless of any counter pressure 1 General...

Page 23: ...1 APP 6 5 APP 7 2 APP 8 2 APP 10 2 Geometric displace ment cm3 rpm 50 63 70 80 100 in3 rpm 3 05 3 84 4 27 4 88 6 10 Flow 1800 rpm 1 m3 h 5 0 6 4 7 2 8 2 10 2 gpm 22 0 28 2 31 7 36 1 44 9 Min pressure...

Page 24: ...PP 5 1 66 4 0 17 4 8 3kW 9 7 kW 11 1 kW 1460 475 2 APP 5 1 79 4 7 20 9 10 0 kW 11 7 kW 13 4 kW 1752 475 2 APP 6 5 83 5 0 22 0 10 5 kW 12 3 kW 14 0 kW 1460 475 2 APP 6 5 100 6 0 26 4 12 6 kW 14 7 kW 16...

Page 25: ...se will be reduced if speed is reduced and vice versa Use flexible hoses in order to minimize vibrations and noise Since the APP pump is typically mounted on a bell housing or frame the noise level ca...

Page 26: ...nlet water is filtered properly to minimize the wear of the pump The main filter must have a filtration efficiency of 99 98 at 10 m We recommend that you use precision depth filter cartridges rated 10...

Page 27: ...Outlet connection M42 x 1 5 x 13 mm 0 51 inch depth Pump mounting flange 125 A2 Pump A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm F mm IEC Electric motor APP 5 1 350 437 160 254 210 498 11 kW HUC2 160 M 4 APP 6 5 350 43...

Page 28: ...essure is always to be maintained at min 0 5 bar 7 3 psi and max 5 bar 72 5 psi 1 Place the filter 1 in the water supply line in front of the APP pump 2 Place a monitoring pressure switch 2 set at min...

Page 29: ...ately after startup regardless of any counter pressure M Brine Permeate APP Feed 1 2 3 5 4 5 7 6 Provided that the APP pump has been running according to the Danfoss specifications on pre filtration p...

Page 30: ...s reserves the right to alter its products without notice This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in spe...

Page 31: ...2 APP pump instruction APP 5 1 10 2 180R9072 ro solutions com Instruction APP pump instruction APP 5 1 10 2 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE...

Page 32: ...Problems with reversing pumps e design of the system must ensure that self emptying of the pump ing standstill is avoided e inlet pressure of the pump must never exceed the outlet pressure s may typic...

Page 33: ...ceed 5 bar abs 72 5 psi 2 3 Reversible pumps If exposed to high pressure in the outlet while the electric motor is not energized the pumps will start spinning backwards This will not harm the pumps as...

Page 34: ...ured Inlet from the water supply and inlet to the pump should be placed in opposite ends of the tank to calm and deaerate the water and to ensure optimum opportunity for particles to settle 521B0747 D...

Page 35: ...n 6 Servicio T cnico 1 Identi cation 1 Identi caci n 2 Conception du syst 2 1 Syst mes ouverts avec r servo 2 2 Syst mes ouverts avec alimen 2 3 Pompes r versibles La conception du syst me doit gar l...

Page 36: ...o de una v lvula reguladora de presi n o por medio de una v lvula bypass colocada en el lado de alta presi n La v lvula se debe colocar lo m s cerca posible a la bomba En la apertura de la v lvula no...

Page 37: ...g temperatures please contact the Danfoss Sales Organization 5 2 Pressure The inlet pressure must be min 0 9 bar 13 psi and max 4 bar 58 psi abs At lower pressures the pump will cavitate resulting in...

Page 38: ...signed so that lubrication follows from the water itself and there is thus no oil in the pump The pump requires no periodic replacements of seals and valve parts 6 2 Repair In case of irregular functi...

Page 39: ...3 IOM Electric motors 180R9230 Electric Motors Motor Manual hoyermotors com Manual 180R9230...

Page 40: ...l frequency and the doubled supply frequency Only mount or remove drive components pulley coupling etc using suitable tools never hit the drive components with a hammer as this will cause damage to th...

Page 41: ...Combustible dust areas will be found in agricultural areas and in industrial environments Only one electrical installation may be installed in one specified area zone Only certificated cable glands fo...

Page 42: ...ed supply frequency Only mount or remove drive components pulley coupling etc using suitable tools never hit the drive components with a hammer as this will cause damage to the bearing The motor are b...

Page 43: ...4 Recommended service intervals for APP pumps 180R9199 Instruction Recommended service intervals for APP pumps MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE...

Page 44: ...per Duplex No wear part 93 5 7 9 Back up ring Teflon 24 000 hours O ring overall NBR 24 000 hours Screw overall AISI 316 No wear part Pin overall AISI 316 Duplex or PEEK No wear part 152 1 Valve cone...

Page 45: ...ns must be replaced The pictures below is ment as a guideline for evaluating the wear of the sliding surface Cavitation of the piston shoes New inspection is required in 3 000 4 000 hours Cavitation o...

Page 46: ...material Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice This also applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being n...

Page 47: ...5 APP parts list 521B0941 Parts list APP Pumps APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE APP 5 1 10 2 APPW 5 1 10 2 APP 5 1 10 2...

Page 48: ...tion x x x x x x x x x x x x x Note The parts listed are not sold separately only in various kits Exploded view see next page Parts list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 11 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A...

Page 49: ...list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 13 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A11 02 12 2012 12 Exploded view APP 5 1 10 2 APPW 5 1 10 2 Parts list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 13 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A...

Page 50: ...uper Duplex 218 8 Screw M8x20 AISI 316 x x x x x x x x 219 1 Screw AISI 316 x x x x x x Instruction x x x x x x x x x x x x x Parts list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 12 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A...

Page 51: ...list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 13 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A11 02 12 2012 12 Exploded view APP 5 1 10 2 APPW 5 1 10 2 Parts list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 13 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A...

Page 52: ...w M8x20 x x x Screw M8x70 x x Screw M8x140 x Lifting eye x Note The parts listed are not sold separately only in various kits Parts list APP 0 6 38 APM 0 8 2 9 APPW 5 1 10 2 24 521B0941 DKCFN PC 073 A...

Page 53: ...6 Trouble shooting guide Guideline Trouble shooting guide for APP pumps MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE...

Page 54: ...umps 2 Trouble shooting guide for APP pumps Table of Contents Trouble shooting fish bone chart 1 No flow no pressure 2 Reduced flow reduced pressure 3 High torque on electric motor 4 Noise from pump 5...

Page 55: ...in filtration 2 1 Wear in pump internal leakage 2 1 9 Type of fluid 2 1 11 High fluid temperature 4 1 Air in fluid 4 2 Bleeding conditions of pump 4 3 Min max nominal inlet pressure 4 4 Pump reversing...

Page 56: ...ct pump from electric motor and check that the motor is capable of running with no load If motor type relay or the electrical fuse is blown check that electric motor is sized correctly 1 4 No rotation...

Page 57: ...ide is polished See index 6 3 If the ring is missing the piston is very worn The filters can be bypassed even if they are correctly mounted Some filters can create channelling where particles can pass...

Page 58: ...eck that electric motor is correctly sized 3 2 2 Check internal parts see item 2 1 3 2 3 Systems with more than one electric motor installed Start motors simultaneously Pumps run in parallel with casc...

Page 59: ...flow item 1 2 Pump reversing WARNING The pump must not run without water for more than a few seconds If the pump takes in water from the high pressure outlet line it builds up pressure and will eventu...

Page 60: ...oo many bends may create too fast flow turbulence through the pipes and thus increase the noise level 5 3 Hose stiffness 5 3 1 Use amore flexible hose Danfoss A S can provide flexible hoses Please con...

Page 61: ...as scratches and or a polished surface Even small scratches will give a loss of flow Picture 3 A good way to identify a worn valve plate is to hold a straight knife edge over the valve plate When hold...

Page 62: ...trademarks of Danfoss A S All rights reserved Danfoss A S High Pressure Pumps DK 6430 Nordborg Denmark Picture 1 If the port plate has scratches level differences or both between the arrows the port...

Page 63: ...7 Right and wrong 180R9042 MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE 180R9042 Right and wrong Trouble shooting guide for water hydraulic systems...

Page 64: ...ter upstream of the final load may damage the pump Pump location 4 Pump always to be placed below water surface level Pump location above water surface level will cause damage Water supply 7 System to...

Page 65: ...f grease prevent seizing Too much grease may develop biofilm causing operational failures Water supply 13 Fill system with water before starting to ensure lubrication and cooling Starting without wate...

Page 66: ...e self bleeding 2 Start and bleed the system without pressure by opening the bypass valve 3 Add the cleaning agent to give 3 agent water solution 4 Run the system for 60 min and activate all component...

Page 67: ...or provide better cooling Is the control light for low pump suction pressure on The filter is clogging Is the power supply ok Are control lights on Is the filter clogged Is the filter control light on...

Page 68: ...Is the filter clogged Is the filter control light on Replace filter element Contact serviceman Stamp Fill water into the system Trace leakage if any A blown fuse or short circuit Check power supply an...

Page 69: ...User manual Appendices for IOM APP Pumps APP 5 1 10 2 51 180R9263 IOM APP 5 1 10 2 Appendices v02 01 2013...

Page 70: ...products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed All trademarks in this material are property of the...
