User manual
Installation, Operation and Maintenance APP Pumps (APP 5.1-10.2)
180R9263 / IOM APP Pumps - v01 / 01.2013
7.5 Assembling the pump unit
Assemble the pump according to the Dis-
assembling and Assembling Instruction
(available at www .ro-solutions .danfoss .com) .
7.6 Procedure for mounting pump back
onto electric motor
Do always follow the procedure delivered with
the instructions from the coupling manufacturer!
Mount the flexible coupling and bell housing
according to the Data sheet, appendix 1 and APP
pump instruction, appendix 2 .
7.7 Getting the pump unit back into
Find instructions of how to put the pump unit
back into operation in chapter 4, Arrival inspec-
tion, transportation, handling, lifting and storage
and Installation and commissioning, chapter 5 .
7.8 Storage of the pump
If the pump has to be shut down for a longer
period or put on the shelf, instructions can be
found in Storage-chapter in Data Sheet, appen-
dix 1 or APP pump instruction, appendix 2 .