Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
EXSYNC (Triggers Line Readout)
EXSYN C is an op tion al in p u t signal th at can be u sed to trigger the line read ou t rate. Th is
cam era u ses the
falling edge of EXSYNC
to trigger line read ou t.
EXSYN C shou ld not be clocked faster than the cam era’s sp ecified m axim u m line
rate. The cam era ignores the EXSYN C p u lse u ntil it has com p leted read ing the last line
ou t.
2.6 Data Bus, Camera Link
These signals ind icate w hen d ata is valid , a llow ing you to clock the d ata from the cam era
to you r acqu isition system . These sign als are p art of the Cam era Link configu ration an d
you shou ld refer to the Cam era Link Im p lem entation Road Map , available from the
Know led ge Center p age on the Teled yne DALSA w ebsite
(w w w .teled yned alsa.com / m v/ know led ge/ ap p n otes.asp x) for the stan d ard location of
these sign als:
Clocking Signal
LVAL (high)
Ou tp u tting valid line
DVAL (high)
Valid d ata
STROBE (rising ed ge)
Valid d ata
This camera’s data should be sampled on the
rising edge of STROBE.
Digital Data
The cam era d igitizes intern ally to 10 bits an d ou tp u ts eith er all 10 bits or the m ost
significant 8 bits in LVDS form at on the Cam era Link con nector.
Du e to flat-field correction calcu lations, certain d igital nu m bers w ill be u navailable
w hen ou tp u tting 10 bits w ith flat-field correction enabled (i.e. you w ill exp erience
m issing cod es).
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