Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
by the cam era ID (ad d ressin g a single cam era on the netw ork), or sp ace (ad d ressing all
cam eras on the netw ork or a Broad cast com m and ).
The cam era rep lies to the netw ork com m an d only if it is ad d ressed d irectly. The last line
of the cam era rep ly (error or OK m essage) to the netw ork com m and is p refixed w ith the
ID of the cam era.
Example: return camera ID for camera a
:a gci
camera id: a
a OK>
Special Case: Empty Network Command
The em p ty netw ork com m an d is a sp ecial case of netw ork com m and s. If the last
com m and issu ed w as not a Broad cast com m an d , the em p ty netw ork com m and w ill cau se
the ad d ressed cam era to ou tp u t an "OK" m essage follow ed by the ">" p rom p t and
p refixed by the netw ork ID. If the last com m and issu ed w as a broad cast com m an d , the
em p ty netw ork com m an d is u sed to qu ery each cam era for its READY/ BUSY statu s.
Example: empty network command issued
:a CR
a OK>
Broadcast Commands and READY/BUSY Status
Broad cast com m and s are com m and s sent to all cam eras on the netw ork at the sam e tim e.
After a broad cast com m an d is sent, an d before issu ing the next com m and ,
cam era on
the link m u st be p olled u ntil a READY statu s is retu rned . A BUSY statu s ind icates that the
cam era is not read y to receive the next com m and .
To p oll the statu s of a netw orked cam era, send an em p ty netw ork com m an d to each
cam era u ntil they each retu rn the READY rep ly.
Both the READY and BUSY rep ly consist of six characters: Carriage Retu rn (CR), Line
Feed (LF), an d the netw ork ID of the qu eried cam era, follow ed by a sp ace and either the
BUSY cod e "0", or the READY cod e "1" and the p rom p t character ">".
Example: query command followed by a BUSY reply
:a CR
<CR><LF>a 0>
Example: query command followed by a READY reply
:a CR
<CR><LF>a 1>
After all cam eras retu rn the READY statu s, u se the
to p oll each cam era for the retu rn
cod es of the sent broad cast com m and .
N ote, the QUERY BUSY m od e is active only after a broad cast com m an d , norm ally th e
cam era d oes not su p p ort this m od e of op eration. The controlling softw are m u st w ait for a
rep ly from the cam era before send ing the next com m and .
Cam era w ill n ot rep ly to the Broad cast com m and .
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