Falcon 1.4M100 Camera Manual
every pixel from the camera. For a 100 fps camera, such as the Falcon 1.4M100, the
readout period is around 10.0ms.
Thus, a global shutter CMOS device, as found in the 1.4M100, is capable of running at
100fps even with exposure times up to 10ms. Beyond 10ms, the exposure time dominates
and the frame rate drops. With rolling shutter CMOS devices only non-concurrent modes
are possible and the integration time immediately impacts the frame rate, thus
comparable 1.4 megapixel cameras with a 10ms exposure time would only run at 50fps
with a rolling shutter device.
Concurrent mode is when the camera is integrating the current frame (Frame 1) and at
the same time is reading out the prior frame (Frame 0). By performing integration and
readout in parallel the Falcon 1.4M100 camera is capable of reaching 100fps even with
exposure times up to 10ms. A timing diagram helps to explain this mode of operation.
Concurrent Mode Timing Diagram
In concurrent mode, a low-to-high transition in the EXSYNC signal starts the integration
time, and a high-to-low transition in the EXSYNC signal starts the readout of image data.
As your frame period approaches the readout period, by reducing the Waiting time, the
Falcon 1.4M100 camera approaches its maximum frame rate of 100fps.
In non-concurrent mode the integration and readout period do not overlap
Non-concurrent Mode Timing Diagram
In non-concurrent mode, a low-to-high transition in the EXSYNC signal starts the
integration time, and a high-to-low transition in the EXSYNC signal starts the readout of
image data. This is the same as in concurrent mode. The difference between these two
modes is that you do not perform your next low-to-high transition of EXSYNC until
readout has completed. The Waiting period can be reduced to 0 seconds by starting the
low-to-high transition immediately after readout is complete. The readout time is a fixed
amount of time that is dependant upon the mode of operation of the camera, but is
typically around 10.0ms.