Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG
About this document
This document applies to the external storage systems DAS-100/
200. It has been produced on the basis of firmware version 2.0.6 A
(hardware) or rather of version 5.3.1 (software DMS/DLS recorder).
Documentation on the DAS-100/200
Installation and Commissioning (this document)
The document entitled „Installation and Commissioning“ describes
installation, mounting, connection, start-up and exchange of the
different modules. General notes on the product and technical data
are additionally provided.
The target audience of this document is exclusively specially trained
and authorized professionals („installers“).
Storage of documentation
Store this document in an accessible location near the product and
keep it in readable condition. Pass on all documents to each
successive owner or user of the system.
This document contains various warning words and symbols that
indicate potential sources of danger. Various symbols and formats
are used to maintain the clarity of the document.
The warning word DANGER denotes an immedi-
ate danger that may cause death or serious
injury if it is not averted.
The warning word WARNING denotes a possible
danger that may cause death or serious injury
if it is not averted.