IM 1019
System Check-out
To verify thermostat operation after mounting and wiring it,
perform the following:
Energize the system.
Set fan to ON. Select each fan speed (TA180 Models) to
verify operation.
Set the System button to AUTO, or available selection.
Using the UP arrow, adjust temperature more than 5°F
above the room temperature to cycle on heating.
Using the DOWN arrow adjust the temperature to 5°F
below room temperature to cycle on cooling.
If the thermostat is set to utilize a time-based purge
cycle (Service menu 16), the thermostat will conduct
a 3-min purge on initial start-up if a pipe sensor is
Condensate Overflow Interrupt
The remote probe input can be used with a condensate
overflow interrupt switch (CO), either in conjunction with a
remote probe (normally closed CO switch) or with local
sensing (normally open CO switch). When the condensate
switch activates, the T180 will display the service wrench and
disable all outputs.
Figure 7: Remote probe installation
Figure 8: Local sensor installation
Thermostat configuration/ Service Menu
To enter the Service Menu press the UP and DOWN arrows
simultaneously for five (5) seconds. The current display icon
will be turned off.
Service menu number 1 will appear. Push the SYSTEM button
to move to the next Service Menu number. The UP and
DOWN arrow keys will scroll through your range of options
for each feature. All changes to the Service Menu are
automatically saved when the system times out. Please refer to
the service menu table (