4 Operation
4.1 Boot up& Shutdown
The buzzer beeps once after system successfully booted up.
You can see the corresponding record status indictor light if system is recording after booted up.
The system can automatically backup video and resume previous working status after power
Boot up
Turn the key to ACC, you can see power indicator light becomes on and DVR boots up (DVR
boots up might take several seconds). After booted up, system is in multiple-window mode and
schedule record status (Chapter 4.9.3) by default. The record indicator light becomes on too if the
device is in the record period.
In the default setup, the device will automatically shut down after the ACC power is
The ACC delay value ranges from 0 to 65535 (Unit: minute). System can delay shutting down
for the specified time and then turn off
Main menu->Advanced->Auto maintenance
Schedule Boot up & Shutdown
System enables schedule record function if the boot up is within the specified period. You can
see the corresponding record indicator light becomes on and system runs norm ally.
4.2 Startup Wizard
After system booted up, system pops up the startup wizard.
Click the Cancel button; you can go to the system login interface.
Click the Next Step button; you can login first and then go to the startup wizard interface. Here you
can set the system basic information. See Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1