Hidden user “default” is for system interior use only and can not be deleted. When there is no
login user, hidden user “default” automatically login. You can set some rights such as monitor
for this user so that you can view some channel view without login.
One user should belong to one group. User right can not exceed group right.
About reusable function: this function allows multiple users use the same account to login.
After all the setups please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.
Figure 4-81 Modify Password
Click password button, the interface is shown as in Figure 4-82.
Here you can modify account password.
Please select the account from the dropdown list, input the old password and then input the new
password twice. Click the Save button to confirm current modification.
For the users of user account right, it can modify password of other users.
Figure 4-82 Add/Modify Group
Click add group button, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 4-83.
Here you can input group name and then input some memo information if necessary.
There are total 40 rights such as control panel, shut down, real-time monitor, playback, record,
record file backup, PTZ, user account, system information view, alarm input/output setup, system
setup, log view, clear log, upgrade system, control device and etc.
The modify group interface is similar to the Figure 4-83.