Dahua 5.8GHz Wireless AP/CPE User Manual
F i l e V ersi on D escri pti on
S heet 1 V ersi on D esc ri pti on
V ersi on
R el ease T i m e
R evi sed C hapte rs
A uthor
2014-05 -12
E stabl i sh
R ef erence Mat e ri al s
Manual P urposes
The manual mainly provides the users with some help to get familiar with PFM88X and how to use
PFM88X; especially they can solve some common problems when some troubles occur to the device.
The manual is mainly involved in PFM88X hardware info, various parameters of webpage, configuration
mode, networking mode, malfunction analysis and some other aspects, which can effectively help users
to get familiar with the usage of the device quickly and shorten the time of entry Bridge series products
for users.
S tatem ent
The right of final explanation of this file belongs to Zhejiang Dahua Technology CO., LTD; our
company is not liable for any damage of the device caused by unauthorized use.
N oun D ef i ni ti on and A cronym D escri p ti on
S heet 2 N oun D ef i ni ti on and A c ron ym D escri pti on
D ef i ni ti on or
A cronym
D escri pti on
P F M880
Long-di stance wi rel es s tran sm i ssi on serve r A P
P F M881
C P E cl i ent