DAGON Lighting
SPM-12 – controller
DMX-512 – 12 OUT DC / PWM
1. Main description.
The SPM-12 Controller is an universal 12-channel converter DMX-512 signal to DC
voltage signals / PWM. To the Q1-Q12 outputs of driver diodes can be connected, or LED
strip white and color, as well as relays and other devices controlled by PWM signals or
continuously-voltage. Load output is 3A per channel. If you need to supply more current
receivers use additional degrees of power.
On the Figure 1 the proper way of wiring the power supply and receiver – LED diodes to
control SPM-12 is shown. Remember to pick up the power cables of sufficient diameter
relative to a flowing current - bold lines in Figure
Fig 1. General arrangement and dimensions of the SPM-12 driver.
After connecting the power supply controller starts DMX-512 the signal receiving and
control the outputs Q1-Q12. The green LED diode signalize the attendance of DMX-512
signal by fast blinking. While the lack of DMX-512 signal the green diode doesn’t blink, just
light in the continuous way. The yellow LED diode is off in the regular mode of controller