Format Toolbar/Toolbox-
Allows control of three video format functions: Binning,
ROI, and Pixel Depth.
Binning is the process of summing horizontal and vertical pixels
together in order to increase sensitivity and frame rates. For monochrome
cameras, three binning modes are supported: None, 2x2, and 4x4. For color
cameras, the binning is done by taking either 3 adjacent lines and using two of
them for binning (3x3) or 5 adjacent lines and using three of them (5x5). The
Binning mode can also be selected via the “Format” Toolbar. Since summed
pixels increase sensitivity, the maximum “Gain” control is limited in the highest
binning modes to preserve signal to noise performance.
Region of Interest (ROI)-
The camera’s imager can be scanned such that
only a certain portion of the image is viewed. This function is available in all
binning modes. The user draws the ROI desired by choosing the
and drawing the requested ROI box on the pad in the Format Toolbox. The
size of the ROI is listed in pixels (“Horz”-X-“Vert”). The ROI box can then be
moved to any position on the camera’s imager by selecting the
and dragging the ROI box around in the pad. The full imager can be scanned
at any time by choosing the
Pixel Depth-
The camera can support either 8-bit or 16-bit transfer of the 12-
bit camera image to the PC. Even though the PC display is limited to 8-bits,
the image can be saved as a 16-bit file, if desired. When the camera is placed
in the 16-bit position, the transfer of the video from the camera to the PC takes
twice as long and the video update of the PC will also be half of the 8-bit
position. The Bits/Pixel can also be selected via the “Pixel Depth” Toolbar.
A 16-bit file will have the upper 12-bits filled with the camera data. Color
cameras have the raw (Bayer) image data sent to the PC for color processing
into RGB data. 8-bit monochrome and color (24-bit RGB) images can be
saved as BMP, TIF, JPG GIF or PNG file formats. 16-bit monochrome images
can be saved as TIF or PNG file formats whereas a 16-bit color (48-bit RGB)
image can be saved as a PNG file format only.