Microwave output power can be checked by indirectly measuring the temperature rise of a certain amount of water exposed
to the microwave as directed below.
1) Microwave power output measurement is made with the microwave oven supplied at rated voltage and operated at its
maximum microwave power setting with a load of 1,000 ± 5cc of potable water.
2) The water is contained in a cylindrical borosilicate glass vessel having a maximum material thickness of 3 mm and an
outside diameter of approximately 190mm.
3) The oven and the empty vessel are at ambient temperature prior to the start of the test.
The initial temperature of the water is 10 ± 2˚C (50 ± 3.6˚F).
It is measured immediately before the water is added to the vessel. After addition of the water to the vessel, the load is
immediately placed on the center of the shelf which is in the lowest normal position.
4) Microwave power is switched on.
5) Heating time should be exactly 46 seconds.
Heating time is measured while the microwave generator is operating at full
The filament heat-up time for magnetron is not included.
6) The initial and final water temperatures are selected so that the maximum
difference between the ambient and final water temperatures is 5K.
7) The microwave power output P in watts is calculated from the following
T is actual temperature rise. • t is the heating time.
The power measured should be 900W ± 10%.
P = 4187 X
Make sure to check the microwave leakage before and after repair or adjustment.
• Always, start measuring of an unknown field to assure. Safety for operating personnel from microwave energy.
• Do not place your hands into any suspected microwave radiation field unless the safe density level is known.
• Care should be taken not to place the eyes in direct line with the source of microwave energy.
• Slowly approach the unit under test until the radiometer reads an appreciable microwave leakage from the unit under test.
A) Prepare Microwave Energy Survey Meter, 600cc glass breaker, glass thermometer 100˚C or 212˚F.
B) Pour 275cc ± 15cc of tap water initially at 20 ± 5˚C (68 ± 9˚F) in the 600cc beaker with an inside diameter of approx. 8.5
cm (3.5 in).
C) Place it at the center of the tray and set it in a cavity.
D) Close the door and operate the oven.
E) Measure the leakage by using microwave energy survey meter with dual ranges, set to 2,450MHz.
- Measured radiation leakage must not exceed the values prescribed below.
Leakage for a fully assembled oven with door normally closed must be less than 4mW/cm
- When measuring the leakage, always use the 5cm space cone with probe. Hold the probe perpendicular to the cabinet,
door. Place the space cone of the probe on the door, cabinet, door seam, along the seam, the door viewing window, the
1. Heating time should be exactly 46 seconds.
2. Input power voltage should be exactly 230 volts as specified.
3. Ambient temperature should be 20 ± 2˚C (68 ± 3.6˚F).
Water Load