In the particular case of inserting a device with factory settings in the chain (a device replacing an existing one or a device on which the factory
configuration has been restored), if the present configurations with the exception of the factory configurations are compatible, the device with
factory configuration automatically assumes the sensitive parameters of the chain.
Parameters with optional alignment
These are parameters for which it is tolerated that they may not be aligned among the various devices. At each change of these parameters,
when you come to press SET or MODE, you are asked if you want to propagate the change to the entire communication chain. In this way, if all
elements of the chain are the same, it avoids setting the same data on all the devices.
List of parameters with optional alignment:
LA Language
MS Measuring system
AE Anti-blocking
AF Anti-Freeze
RM Maximum speed
First start of the multipump system
Make the hydraulic and electric connections of the whole system as described in chapter 5 and in par 6.1.
Switch on the devices and create the associations as described in paragraph 8.5.5 - AS: Association of devices.
Multipump adjustment
When a multipump system is switched on, the addresses are automatically assigned and an algorithm selects one device as the adjustment
leader. The leader decides the speed and starting order of each device in the chain.
The adjustment mode is sequential (the devices start one at a time).
When starting conditions occur, the first device starts, when it has reached maximum speed the next one starts, and then the others in
sequence. The starting order is not necessarily in ascending order according to the machine address, but it depends on the working hours done
see 8.6.11 - ET: Max. switching time.
Assigning the starting order
Each time the system is switched on a starting order is associated with each device. Depending on this, the sequential starts of the devices are
The starting order is modified during use as necessary by the following two algorithms:
Reaching the maximum switching time
Reaching the maximum inactivity time
Maximum switching time
Depending on the parameter ET (maximum switching time), each device has a working time counter, and depending on this the starting order is
updated with the following algorithm:
if at least half of the ET value has been exceeded, the priority is exchanged the first time the inverter switches off (exchange to
if the ET value is reached without ever stopping, the inverter is switched off unconditionally and is taken to minimum restarting priority
(exchange during running).
If the parameter ET (Max. switching time) is set at 0, there is an exchange at each restart.
See 8.6.11 - ET: Max. switching time.
Reaching the maximum inactivity time
The multipump system has an anti-stagnation algorithm, the aim of which is to keep the pumps in perfect working order and to maintain the
integrity of the pumped fluid. It works by allowing a rotation in the pumping order so as to make all the pumps supply at least one minute of flow
every 23 hours. This happens whatever the device configuration (enabled or reserve). The exchange of priority requires that the device that has
been stopped for 23 hours be given maximum priority in the starting order. This means that as soon as it is necessary to supply flow, it will be
the first to start. The devices configured as reserve have precedence over the others. The algorithm ends its action when the device has
supplied at least one minute of flow.
When the intervention of the anti-stagnation algorithm is over, if the device is configured as reserve, it is returned to minimum priority to
preserve it from wear.
Reserves and number of devices that participate in pumping
The multipump system reads how many elements are connected in communication and calls this number N.
Then depending on the parameters NA and NC it decides how many and which devices must work at a certain time.