Off: Wireless network configuration not present
On: Wifi connection present
Blinking: AP mode
Off: Wifi connection not present
Table 1: Led Description
Esy I/O has two touch buttons in the interface (Wireless and wifi). When the touch button is pressed, the corresponding LED blinks rapidly.
The implementation of the commands, described below, is confirmed by a beep.
Local connection via APP
The “Smart Solution” DConnect APP is the interface for local control of the Esy I/O device. Via the DConnect APP you can update the product
and configure the main parameters of the device with the convenience of an easy-to-use and always handy APP. Via the APP it is possible to
interact locally with the product through the “Direct Connection” menu accessible directly from the main page of the APP.
Figure 3: Dconnect APP main screen
Select the image related to the Esy I/O product, and follow the instructions during the process.
Updating the software
Updates ensure a better use of the services offered by the product. Before starting to use the product, make sure that it is updated to the latest
software version available. During the software update the products involved cannot carry out their functions. For this reason a manned update
is recommended.
: The update can take up to 5 minutes per product and when it ends the device will restart.
Dab Proprietary Wireless connection
The basic function of the Esy I/O is that it can be connected by means of a wireless interface 802.15.4, equipped with a DAB proprietary
protocol, to one or more supported e.syline products.
The proprietary wireless connection is also necessary for the alignment to use Esy I/O as Modbus gateway (see Paragraph 2.10 )
Proprietary wireless connection procedure
It is possible to connect the Esy I/O to a device or to several devices using the following procedure:
• Put the device to be connected into association status (see the manual of the product to be associated)
• Press the
on Esy I/O for a least
5 seconds
, then wait for the blue led (seeTable 1) to light up with a fixed light.
the procedure it is possible to press the
left key
on the Esy I/O.