Resetting Remote Launcher After Launch
Follow the “
Launching the RDL
” procedure on p. 22 with
these modifications:
1. For Step 4, follow “Ejecting Power Load” above.
2. For Step 8, quickly push the Power Button on the Re-
mote Receiver to reset for re-release. Remote Receiver
will not trigger RDL after a launch unless reset.
Unloading Unfired Power Load
1. From behind the launcher, securely hold down Ratchet-
ing Safety Bar to prevent accidental fire.
2. Follow “Ejecting Power Load” instructions above.
3. Carefully release Ratcheting Safety Bar and step away.
4. Press “BIRD” button on transmitter to uncock launcher.
WARNING - Use extreme caution when unloading un-
fired power loads to prevent accidental firing of RDL.
Locating Remote Launcher
1. Select appropriate Launcher on Selector Knob.
2. Push the ‘BEEPER’ button on the Transmitter to activate
the Beeper/Locator (Remote Receiver must be ON).
Ejecting Used/Misfired Power Load
1. After launch (or misfire), lift Locking Lever and open
Dummy Launcher.
2. Continue opening past normal stopping point.
3. Release and allow Launcher to go back normal stopping
point, and remove Power Load.