18 / 130
Alternatively, you can specify the same password for all new extensions. If you choose this
option then please ensure a secure password is set.
2.2.2 Other Extension Ranges
Wehave limited the user extension number range in the DVX IPPBX to be between800 and 899. If
you require more extensions or you want extensions in other number ranges then you need to
change the extension range before you can add new extensions.
Please navigate to web menu
In the “
Extension Preferences
” section you can change the user extension range.
In the above example, the user extension range has been changed to be between 400 and 499. If
you now go back to the extension page you’ll be able to add new extensions within this range.
2.3 IP Extension Registration
2.3.1 Desktop IP phones
The following example details how to register a D-Link DPH-150SE IP phone on your DVX IPPBX
Step 1
Press the softkey “Status” beneath the phone screen, here you can see the IP Address of the IP
Step 2
Open the IP phone web interface by entering the phone IP address into the web browser address
Step 3
Default login credentials are username admin and password admin.
Step 4
After successful login, navigate to the phone web menu VOIP->SIP, and register an extension
number as below example.