D-Link DVG-580S User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
This section is to configure the SYSLOG, STUN and NAT PING settings.
Enter display name. When you call someone, this is
what will show on their display. Typically, this will be
your public phone number.
Enter user name for current account (account 1 or
account ). Typically the same as Authentication
Enter Authentication User name for current account
(account 1 or account ). This is your user name with
your service provider.
Enter the password associated with the Authentication
User for the current account (account 1 or account
Enter the URL or IP Address and specific port to
connect to on the SIP Server.
Enter the URL or IP address of the desired SIP Proxy
and specific port.
Enter the URL or IP address and specific port of the
desired SIP Registrar server.
Use this option to tell the SIP server, upon connection
registration, whether you prefer inbound traffic
on UDP (User Datagram Protocol) or on TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) or on TLS (Transport
Layer Secutiry). Default is UDP.
Enter value (in minutes) for re-registering with the
SIP server.
SIP Display Name:
SIP User Name:
SIP Authentication
User Name:
SIP Authentication
SIP Server Port:
SIP Proxy Port:
SIP Registrar
Server Port
SIP Transport:
SIP Registration
Note! The value is set similar to the value the Service Provider specifies. However, the actual re-registering time will be the set Expiration time divided by 2.