DSL-302G ADSL Modem User’s Guide
To following definitions may be helpful in reading the DHCP Server Address Table:
IP Address
The address that has been leased from the pool.
The network mask associated with the leased address.
Mac Address
The unique hardware ID of the computer to which the IP address has been
Pool Start
The start IP which identify this pool from which the leased address was
Address Type
indicates that the IP number has been assigned
permanently to the specific hardware device.
indicates that the
number has been leased temporarily for a specified length of time.
Time Remaining
The amount of time left for the device to use the assigned address.
DHCP Relay
Some ISPs perform the DHCP server function for their customers’ home/small office networks. In this case, you
can configure the Modem as a DHCP relay agent. When a computer on your network requests Internet access,
the Modem contacts your ISP to obtain an IP address (and other information), and then forwards that information
to the computer. Follow these instructions to configure DHCP relay.
First of all, you must configure your PCs to accept DHCP information assigned by a DHCP server. Open the
Windows Control Panel and display the computer's Networking properties. Configure the TCP/IP properties to
"Obtain an IP address automatically". For detailed instructions, see the section of “Configure the Host PC as a
DHCP Client”
Next, you specify the IP address of the DHCP server and select the interfaces on your network that will be using
the relay service in DHCP Relay configuration menu as below.
DHCP Relay Configuration Menu