Section 2 - Installation
D-Link DSL-2880AL User Manual
Information you will need about your LAN or computer
Ethernet NIC
If your computer has an Ethernet NIC, you can connect the DSL-2880AL to this Ethernet port using an Ethernet cable. You can also use the
Ethernet ports on the DSL-2880AL to connect to other computer or Ethernet devices.
DHCP Client Status
Your DSL-2880AL ADSL Router is configured, by default, to be a DHCP server. This means that it can assign an IP address, subnet mask, and a
default gateway address to computers on your LAN. The default range of IP addresses the DSL-2880AL will assign are from to Your computer (or computers) needs to be configured to Obtain an IP address automatically (that is, they need to be configured as
DHCP clients.)
It is recommended that your collect and record this information here, or in some other secure place, in case you have to re-configure your ADSL
connection in the future.
Once you have the above information, you are ready to setup and configure your DSL-2880AL Wireless ADSL Router.