10.2 Status Panel
The Status Panel displays the following statuses and icons:
10. tHe D-boX HeMC aPP MaIn sCReen
10.1 The Screens
The main screen is divided into four sections, from top to bottom:
status Panel
Media Info
seat Manager
screen selector
Status Categories
HEMC status:
The HEMC has been
Not Available
The HEMC cannot be
Source status:
The HEMC has detected
an audio source
The detection process is
in a transitory state
The audio source is
lost or there’s an audio
source error
Motion code status:
The HEMC has identified
a movie and there is a
motion code available
The HEMC has identified
a movie, but there is no
motion code available
Not Available
Seat readiness:
The HEMC is connected
to at least one D-BOX
motion enabled chair
Not Available
All D-BOX motion chairs
are disconnected
Figure 11. HEMC Control Application Main Screen