Product User’s Manual – LoRa Shield
1. Stackable Digital I/O header
This header pin is Digital I/O pin stacked to the Arduino main board. Other Arduino shield
can be stacked on top of this stackable header.
2. Stackable Analog Input pin header
This header pin is Analog Input pin stacked to the Arduino main board. Other Arduino shield
can be stacked on top of this stackable header.
3. Arduino Reset button
Reset button is for convenience of user to reset the Arduino main board.
4. Grove Connectors
Connectors for grove sensors or other grove-compatible devices. 1st grove (from bottom) are
connected to A0 and A1, 2nd D8 and D9 and 3rd for I2C pins.
5. Slot for OLED installment
Optional slot for users to install OLED for visual display in their application.
6. RFM95W LoRa Module
Low-Power Long Range Transceiver operating in the 915 MHz frequency band. Complies
with the LoRaWAN Class A protocol specifications, and integrates RF, a baseband controller,
command Application Programming Interface (API) processor, making it a complete long
range solution.
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