CY3677 Evaluation Kit User Guide, Doc. No. 002-12185 Rev. *D
Table 4-1: CY3677 EVK Onboard Components Description
Label Name
CY29430FLQXI is the Cypress clock chip that is evaluated with the CY3677 EVK.
Main Power Supply Jumper (J1)
Short pin 1 and 2 of jumper J1 to power up the CY29430. The core supply and I/O
supply are shorted on the board, and hence are the same for the device.
LDO Settings Jumper (J13)
Set the J13 jumper per
Table 4-2
to set the LDO output voltage.
The brightness of LED2 will vary depending on the voltage selection. It will be
brightest at 3.3 V and dimmest at 1.8 V.
USB Mini-B Connector
Connect the kit to a PC using the USB Standard-A to Mini-B cable.
Differential Clock Output
Connect SMA cables to the SMA connectors (J7 and J8) on one end and to an
oscilloscope on the other end.
Single-Ended Clock Output (LVCMOS)
Connect the SMA cable to the SMA connector (J10) on one end and to an oscilloscope
on the other end.
External Clock Reference (TCXO)
Connect the SMA cable to the SMA connector (J11) on one end and to an external
clock reference (TCXO) on the other end.
Termination Jumper (J5)
The board has an on-board jumper (J5) to connect and disconnect output termination.
Status LED
This LED (LED1) turns ON after the USB enumeration is completed. This LED blinks
during programming of the CY29430 device from a PC.
Power LED
This LED (LED2) turns ON when the CY29430 device is powered.
OE Control (J16)
Jumper to set the OE input of the CY29430 to enable or disable the clock output.
Frequency Select Jumpers (J14, J15)
J14 and J15 are used to set the frequency select bits of CY29430.
On-board 114.285 MHz OT3 crystal for the reference input of the CY29430 device. This
crystal has frequency tolerance of ±20 ppm.
PSoC 5LP (CY8C5868LTI-LP039)
On-board PSoC 5LP device that converts the USB data-stream to I
C format to program
the CY29430 device.
VCXO Input (J2)
This jumper can be used to evaluate the VCXO operation of the CY29430 device. Vc
(voltage at J2.1 pin) is by default set to 0 V via a jumper shunt. You can remove the
shunt and instead apply an external power supply voltage (DC) to pin J2.1 to evaluate
the VCXO operation.
Cypress recommends that you contact our Technical Support team at
before connecting any external power supply to this jumper.
Table 4-2: J13 Jumper Settings
J13 Settings
LDO Output Voltage (Supply of CY29430)
Short pin 1 and 2
2.5 V
Short pin 2 and 3 (default)
3.3 V
1.8 V
The kit should strictly be operated from a USB supply by connecting to a PC.
The PCB should not be powered by any external source. Application of an external power source
to any of the jumper pins or test points may cause potential damage of the PCB.
To configure the device to a clock standard other than those specified in the example projects, or
to apply custom termination voltage, go to our support web page at
, or
e-mail at:
Incorrect application of supply or termination voltage will cause performance degradation of the
clock output. Prolonged incorrect operation may permanently damage the kit.