10 October 2016
10 Time and Location Source
10.1 Time Source
The Time Source screen allows the user to select from one of three mechanisms to synchronize the time reference on an
individual Z4550 SkyRouter.
Cellular Network
The SkyRouter retrieves and synchronizes to time provided by the cellular network
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
The SkyRouter retrieves and synchronizes to time provided by an NTP server. An IP address field for the NTP server is
provided on the screen.
The SkyRouter retrieves and synchronizes to time provided by the GPS or GLONASS constellation. This option requires
that GPS be enabled on the Location Source screen.
10.2 Location Source
The SkyRouter’s location source can be set to originate from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver, or by using user defined
coordinates. User defined coordinates are especially useful for stationary installations hat may not want to incur the
expense of a GPS antenna.
The Location Source screen also supports the creation of two geo-fences. Geo-fencing applications are covered in detail
in TechNote TN034.
11 SkyCloud Services
The SkyCloud Services screen serves two related purposes. It provides a method of selecting a Dynamic Domain Name
Service (DDNS) for the Z4550. Secondly, it is used to configure the unit for operation on Ctek’s cloud based visual access
and management system, SkyCloud. See Technical Information Bulletin TIB006 for details.
12 Tools
The Z4550 comes standard with two tools installed.
12.1 Flash Update Client
The Flash Update client provides a mechanism to load over-the-air firmware update and to enable additional
applications on the SkyRouter. The Flash Update client can be configured for periodic (daily/weekly/monthly) updates,
or to perform the updates ad-hoc when the user initiates an update request.