10 October 2016
6 Security
Properly configured, the Ctek Z4550 is the most secure cellular router available in the marketplace. However, the
security provided by the Z4550 is only as good as the thought given to its administration. Factory default settings disable
all of the Z4550’s access mechanisms with the exception of HTTP access on port 80.
6.1 Change the Default User ID and Password
- The default User ID and password for Ctek’s SkyRouters is well known. Failure to perform this step exposes the
user’s equipment to unauthorized access and tampering.
Select the User Accounts function. The screen shown in Figure 4 will be presented.
Figure 6
1. Select the Ctek login entry
2. Enter a new User ID
3. Enter a new password
4. Enter a confirming password
5. Check the Admin box
6. Press Update
7. When the unit is rebooted the new login information will be in effect