10 October 2016
8.4 Ethernet Port Forwarding
In the gateway mode of operation (see section 5.1) the Z4550 SkyRouter routes data to and from the wireless network
IP connection to a class C range of local (private) IP addresses available on the RJ45 Ethernet connector. To accomplish
this the Port Forwarding screen allows you to forward WAN side IP traffic arriving on a specific IP Port to a specific Port
at a designated LAN side address. In addition, this screen also allows you to make a named (advertised) service available
over the WAN interface.
Each forwarding rules consists of the following field:
Service Name
– A name that will be associated with a service advertised on the Quick Panel of the WAN
Forwarding From
– The inbound (WAN side) port number managing the traffic
Local Port
– The port number on the LAN side that the traffic will be routed to
Local IP
– The IP address on the LAN side that the traffic will be routed to. Must be part of the class C range
defined in the Ethernet Interface screen.
– Yes or no
– TCP, UDP, or both
– Make the rule active (Yes/No)
8.5 Digital and Analog Inputs
Relay Input – (Digital Input)
A digital input is provided on pin 17 of the top connector block. The digital input can be used as a conventional digital
input under automation control logic, or to trigger an alarm via SMS. When used to generate an SMS message the
destination phone number is entered on this screen.
Relay Output (Digital Output)
A digital output is provided on pin 3 of the bottom connector block. If desired pin 4 (Source) can be used to provide a
5VDC level connected through a 10K ohm pull-up resistor.
The digital output can be managed under automation control, via SMS, or through SkyRouter web screens.
Analog Input
An analog input is provided on pin 18 of the top connector block. It operates on a 0 - 5VDC input range and provides 10
bit A/D conversion. The analog input is accessible through automation control.
9 Tunneling and Encryption
9.1 GRE Tunneling
The Z4550 SkyRouter supports 2 concurrent GRE tunnels. See TechNote TN040 for detailed setup information.
9.2 IPsec
The Z4550 SkyRouter supports 8 concurrent IPsec tunnels. See TechNote TN040 for detailed setup information.