EZT-550 Controller Manual
4) Using the calibration source, input the desired calibration minimum and maximum temperature(s).
Allow the process variable to stabilize for at least 30 seconds prior to making any adjustments. If an
adjustment is needed, adjust the minimum or maximum range value accordingly.
For Example:
1) Calibrator set to input low of –73°C
2) Current PV reads –72.5°C (difference of 0.5°C).
3) Subtract the difference (0.5°C) from current minimum range value and enter that temperature
as the new minimum range. If the current minimum range value is –100°C for example, the
new minimum range value will be –100.5°C.
The same method applies for calibrating the high range. Either add or subtract the difference between
the current process value and calibration reference value to the range value to correct for any offset in
the input circuit.
5) Once all adjustments are made, disconnect the calibration source from the input and reconnect the
sensor leads. Verify that the input reads correctly.
6) After verifying that the input reads correctly, press the Accept button to save the changes. Upon
accepting the changes, the calibration window will close. To exit without saving changes, press the
Cancel button. Analog Output Calibration
There are up to 2 analog outputs available on the ZP(H) series chamber. The 2 analog outputs are configured
as follows:
Analog Output 1
Output Range:
–100°C (-148°F) to 500°C (932°F)
+0.2% of full scale + LSB
Analog Output 2
Relative Humidity (ZP(H) series only)
Output Type:
Output Range:
0 to 100% relative humidity
+0.2% of full scale + LSB
The output ranges can be adjusted to match the input range of a particular instrument connected to them.