TT250
Owner’s
and
Service
Manual
Use
a
screwdriver
blade
to
gently
lift
the
clip
out
of
the
groove
securing
it.
Caution!
Take
care
not
to
mar
the
fork
upper
with
the
screwdriver
when
performing
this
operation.
Remove
the
6mm
Allen
bolt
at
the
bottom
of
the
fork
lower.
Remove
the
fork
lower
casting.
Remove
the
fork
lower
by
lifting
it
up
and
out
of
the
fork
upper.
Examine
the
fork
lower
(which
is
the
part
that
slides
through
the
dust
seal
and
the
fork
seal).
If
there
are
any
scratches,
gouges,
or
surface
imperfections
on
the
portion
of
the
fork
lower
that
slides
through
the
seals,
polish
the
imperfections
out
or
replace
the
fork
lower.