TT250
Owner’s
and
Service
Manual
Push
the
caliper
pistons
all
the
way
into
the
caliper.
Assembly
is
the
reverse
of
disassembly.
Install
new
front
pads,
install
the
two
5mm
Allen
pins,
place
the
caliper
over
the
rotor,
and
install
the
two
caliper
mounting
bolts.
The
5mm
Allen
pins
should
be
torqued
to
to
ft
‐
lbs.
The
caliper
mounting
bolts
should
be
torqued
to
to
ft
‐
lbs.
Rear
Brake
Pad
Inspection
and
Replacement
The
rear
brake
caliper
is
located
on
the
right
side
of
the
swingarm.
Loosen
the
rear
brake
caliper’s
two
5mm
Allen
pins.
Remove
the
caliper’s
two
8mm
mounting
bolts
and
then
remove
the
caliper
from
the
swingarm.
You
should
not
remove
the
hydraulic
brake
line
or
loosen
it.