Boating Safety
Owner’s/Operator’s Manual
Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol and other drugs
can result in death or severe personal injury. DO NOT operate the
boat under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if your judgment is
Federal and state laws prohibit operating a boat under the influence of alcohol and
other drugs. These regulations are actively enforced.
DO NOT use drugs or alcohol while boating. The operation of motorized vessels
while under the influence carries a significant penalty and is strictly enforced by the
Coast Guard. The use of drugs or alcohol will impair your judgment and reaction
time, and keep you from safely operating your craft.
If you see a distress signal or suspect another vessel is in trouble, you must assume
it is a real emergency and render assistance immediately. By law, the operator in
charge of the craft is obligated to provide assistance to any individual in danger if
such assistance can be provided safely. Failure to render assistance can result in a
fine and/or imprisonment.
The 1971 Boating Safety Act grants protection to a “Good Samaritan” boater
providing good faith assistance, and absolves a boater from any civil liability arising
from such assistance.
Most fires are the result of gasoline and oil accumulating in the bilge from careless
fueling or maintenance practices. Use the fire extinguisher at the base of the flames,
using a sweeping motion.
Careful and accurate use of the available chemicals should contain most fires.
Make sure the fire has been extinguished. If so, check damage and get assistance
immediately. If not, get out of the craft and swim at least 25 yards (23 m) upwind
from the boat and use the visual distress signals to get assistance.
Onboard fires involving the fuel system usually result in either an explosion, which
will completely destroy the craft, or the craft burning to the waterline and self-
extinguishing. Deciding on abandoning the boat or staying to fight the fire is difficult
and depends on many factors. Try to devise a fire plan in advance to help make that
decision quickly and without hesitation.
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