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timer (P4074E). If the potential robber is faced with a 15 minute wait before the safe can be opened it
should force them to abort the robbery. The same will happen if a staff member is forced to disarm the
area and they use the duress code, the “In Alarm” disarm timer will be triggered.
4 - When using CSV IP reporting a name and password can be prefixed to the beginning of the alarm re-
port. The Name is programmed at program location P201E6E and the Password is programmed at loca-
tion P201E7E. The text is entered in the same way that keypad zone, user, area names are programmed.
5 - A new address P25E15E with a value of 0-255 has been added. An invalid webpage login attempt
count can be set at this address. If set to 0 there is no incorrect login count. If set from 1-255, that is the
number of incorrect login attempts before the webpage access is locked out. Using a valid code at the
panel keypad to arm/disarm the panel will reset this count.
6 - A new address P25E16E with a value of 0-9999 has been added. If an invalid webpage login count is
set at P25E15E and that count is exceeded the webpage access will be locked out for the period set at
this address. If this address is set to 0 there is no lockout time. If set from 1-9999, that is the time in sec-
onds that all webpage access will be locked out for. Using a valid code at the panel keypad to arm/disarm
the panel will reset this time.
7 - A new option called “IP Fail (Timed)” has been added at P36E option 8. f IP Monitoring is being used
and the panel fails to report a signal or a poll it will enter a “Comm Failure” state and the output will turn
on. The output MUST have a reset time programmed at P40E as it needs a reset time to allow the output
to reset after being triggered.
V257- Date 19-04-2017
At software version V257 some new features were added. They are:
1 - The IP monitoring addresses (P203E1-8E) can now be an IP address or a URL (web name). When en-
tering in a URL at the LCD keypad the letters (all lower case), and numbers, are entered in exactly the
same way that LCD text for zones, outputs, areas, etc, is entered. The number 1 key can be used to enter
in a “1”, or “.” or “-” in the URL or IP address.
2 - The panel can now support a secondary gateway address (P201E8E). This can be useful if there is a
land based internet that could be subject to service interruption, a secondary cellular gateway could serve
as a back up.
3 - A primary and secondary DNS server address has been added, P201E9E and 10E.
4 - Two internet clock URL’s have been added, P201E11E and 12E. The panel can be told to sync it’s time
to the internet time by turning On option 3 at address P210E4E.
5 - When using the internet time a time zone can be selected at address P25E17E.
V258- Date 21-04-2017
At software version V258 a new feature was added. There is a new option 5 at P25E13E called “Keypad
LED’s and Backlight off on no activity”. If there is nothing happening on the system, eg no zone activity,
the LED’s on all keypads and all the backlighting will turn off. This is particularly suited for keypads that
might be mounted in a bedroom. If a zone triggers the LED’s will turn on for 10 seconds then turn off
We also changed how the 24 hour zone restore happens. If a 24 hour zone triggers then restores immedi-
ately the restore will be sent to monitoring when it restores. If the zone stays in alarm the restore was sent
when the alarm was reset at a keypad but now the restore will only be sent when the zone actually re-
V260- Date 18-05-2017
When an output is controlled by a Time Zone the “Control” button was able to override the output from a
keypad as long as the keypad (P83E) and the output (P34E option 7) were programmed to do this . When
the output number was manually entered (eg <CONTROL> <05> <ENTER>) the user could turn the out-
put ON or OFF. The same was supposed to happen if the CONTROL button was programmed as a single
button operation at the keypad (see P96E option 8) but using the CONTROL button this way would only
turn the output ON, not OFF. This has been corrected in V260 so the CONTROL button when set to single
button operation will toggle the output from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON.