Page 19
Test Call Time Period
P175E 5E
Test Time Call Period -
Value 0-255 Hours: 0 = No Test (Default = 24)
Keypad Listen-in Options
P175E 6E
Keypad Listen-in Options
(Default = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
1 = Enabled During Dialling in Disarm State only
2 = Enabled During Dialling in Armed State only
3 = Enabled During Dialling in Stay Mode State only
4 = Enabled Throughout the call in Disarm State only
5 = Enabled Throughout the call in Armed State only
6 = Enabled Throughout the call in Stay Mode State only
7 = Listen-in Enabled when the panel answers a call
8 = Enabled at All Times
Dialler Fail Line Switch Output
P175E 7E
Dialler Fail Line Switch Output
- Value = Output number 1 –32
Dialling Pre-fix Number
P175E 8E
Dialling Pre-fix Number -
Value 1-16 Digits (Default = 0)
“Panic” Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code
P175E 9E
“Panic” Alarm CID Reporting Code
“Fire” Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code
P175E 10E
“Fire” Alarm CID Reporting Code
“Medical” Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code
P175E 11E
“Medical” Alarm CID Reporting Code
Output “Command Control” Code Number
P175E 12E
Output Command Control code
Value 1-4 digit code (1-9999) (Default = 0)
Microphone On/Off “Command Control” Code Number
P175E 13E
Reserved for future use.
Dialler Acknowledge Code
P175E 14E
Voice/Domestic Acknowledge Code
Value 1-4 digit code (1-9999) (Default = 0)
Force Test Call Code
P175E 15E
Force Test Call Code
Value 1-4 digit code (1-9999) (Default = 0, Feature disabled)
Programming Voice Board Messages
P176E 1E
Keypad or Radio “Panic” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 2E
“Fire” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 3E
“Medical” Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 4E
“Mains Failure” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 5E
“Mains Restore” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 6E
“Battery Low” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 7E
“Battery Restored” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 8E
“Tamper” (Zone/Radio/System) Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 9E
“Duress Alarm” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 10E
“Latchkey Disarm” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
P176E 11E
“Manual Test Initiated” Voice Message Number -
Value 0-99 (Default = 0)
+++++Telephone ++++
Programming Telephone Numbers
P181E 1-8E
Programming Telephone Numbers -
Value 1-16 Digits (Default = 0)
Telephone Number Reporting Formats
P182E 1-8E
Telephone Number Reporting Formats
(Default = 1)
1 = Contact ID
2 = Domestic Dial
3 = Pager
4 = Speech Dialler
5 = CSV IP Extended (sends 4 digit zone/user field)
6 = Patriot IP
7 = XML IP
8 = CSV IP Normal
9 = Spare
10 = SIA Format
11 = SIA Slow Format