Page 16
9 to 26 Normal zone mode
Response time = approx 200ms –1sec
Programming the Radio Zone Detector Type
P127E 1-64E
Programming the Radio Zone Type from the List
Value = 1-35
(Default = 4)
0 = Generic
1 = Crow Merlin PIR (supervised signal ignored)
2 = Crow Merlin PIR (supervised signal active)
3 = Freewave with checksum (supervised signal active)
4 = Freewave with checksum (non-supervised)
5 = Crow AE Series Battery low
6 = Crow AE Radio Reed Switch
11 = Ness Devices battery Low
12 = Ness Radio Reed Switch
31 = Visonic K900 Radio PIR
32 = Visonic Powercode (supervised signal ignored)
33 = Visonic Powercode (supervised signal active)
34 = Siemens (supervised signal ignored)
35 = Siemens (supervised signal active)
Armed Zone Alarms to Outputs
P128E 1-64E
Armed Zone Alarms to Output
(Default = 1,2)
01-32 = A Zone Alarm will Turn On Output # 1-32
Armed Stay Mode Zone Alarms to Outputs
P129E 1-64E
Armed Stay Mode Zone Alarms to Output
(Default = 2)
01-32 = A Stay Mode Zone Alarm will Turn On Output # 1-32
24 Hour Zone Alarms to Outputs
P130E 1-64E
24 Hour Zone Alarms to Output
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = A 24 Hour Zone Alarm will Turn On Output # 1-32
Chime Zone Alarms to Outputs
P131E 1-64E
Chime Zone Alarms to Output
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = A Chime Zone Alarm will Turn On Output # 1-32
Zone Tamper Alarms to Outputs
P132E 1-64E
Zone Tamper Alarms to Output
(Default = 1,2)
01-32 = A Zone Tamper Alarm will Turn On Output # 1-32
Programming Zone Options D
P6133E 1-64E
Programming Zone Options D
1 = Zone is Excluded from Activity monitoring
(Default = All Off)
2 = Zone will hold off Arming until Sealed
3 = “Security Interlock” zone
Armed Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P134E 1-64E
Armed Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All On)
01-32 = An Armed Zone Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Stay Mode Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P135E 1-64E
Stay Mode Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All On)
01-32 = A Stay Mode Zone Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
24 Hour Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P136E 1-64E
24 Hour Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All On)
01-32 = A 24 Hour Zone Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Chime Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P137E 1-64E
Chime Zone Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = A Chime Zone Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Zone Tamper Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P139E 1-64E
Zone Tamper Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All On)
01-32 = A Zone Tamper Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Radio Supervise Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P140E 1-64E
Radio Supervise Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = A Radio Supervise Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Zone Sensor-watch Alarm Beeps to Keypads
P141E 1-64E
Zone Sensor-watch Alarm Beeps to Keypads
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = A Zone Sensor-watch Alarm will Beep Keypad #1-32
Armed Zone Entry Delay Beeps to Keypads
P142E 1-64E
Armed Zone Entry Delay Beeps to Keypads
(Default = 1)
01-32 = Armed Zone Entry Delay will Beep Keypad #1-32