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Stay Mode Entry Delay Beeps to Keypads
P143E 1-64E
Stay Mode Entry Delay Beeps to Keypads
(Default = 1)
01-32 = Stay Mode Entry Delay will Beep Keypad #1-32
Armed Zone Entry Delay Times
P144E 1-64E
Armed Zone Entry Delay Times
Value 0-9999 seconds
(Default Zone # 1 = 20 Seconds, Zones # 2-64 = 0)
Stay Mode Entry Delay Times
P145E 1-64E
Stay Mode Entry Delay Times
Value 0-9999 seconds
(Default Zones # 1-4 = 20 Seconds, Zones # 5-64 = 0)
Zone Re-trigger Count
P146E 1-64E
Zone Re-Trigger Count
Value 0-15 (Maximum number of times a zone can re-trigger
(Default = 0)
during armed state. 0=Unlimited Triggers)
Zone Reports using this Area
P147E 1-64E
Zone Reports using this Area
Value 0-32
Zone Alarm Contact ID Reporting Codes
P157E 1-64E
Zone Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code -
(Default = 130)
Zone Near Alarm Contact ID Reporting Codes
P158E 1-64E
Zone Near Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code -
(Default = 138)
Zone Intrusion Verified Alarm Contact ID Reporting Codes
P159E 1-64E
Zone Intrusion Verified Alarm Contact ID Reporting Code -
(Default = 139)
Zone Alarm Voice Message Number
P160E 1-64E
Zone Alarm Voice Message Number -
Value-0-99 (Default = 1)
Away Zone Entry Delay to Outputs
P161E 1-64E
Away Zone Entry Delay to Outputs
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = Armed Zone Entry Delay to output #1-32
Stay Mode Entry Delay to Outputs
P162E 1-64E
Stay Mode Entry Delay Beeps to Outputs
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = Stay Mode Entry Delay to output #1-32
Sensor-Watch Timer
P163E 1-64E Sensor-Watch Timer -
0-9999 Minutes (Default = 7200 minutes [120 Hours])
Enrolling Radio Zone Codes
P164E 1-64E
Learn Radio Zone Codes
Delete a Specific Radio Zone Code
P165E 1-64E
Delete a Specific Radio Zone Code
Find Radio Zone memory Location
This will find the zone # of any Radio Zone code stored in the panel
.After P166E press enter to start the find process
Zone Near Alarm to Outputs
P167E 1-64E
Zone Near Alarm to Outputs
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = Zone Near Alarm to output #1-32
Zone Confirmed Alarm to Outputs
P168E 1-64E
Zone Confirmed Alarm to Outputs
(Default = All Off)
01-32 = Zone Confirmed Alarm to output #1-32
Program LCD KP “Zone” Name
P169E 1-64E
Program LCD KP “Zone” Name Text
Access Control Door Monitor Linked to Output
P6174E 1-64E
Access Control Door Monitor Linked to Output
(Default = All 0)
01-32 = Output #1-32 (0 = Disabled)
Access Control Options
P6175E 1-64E
Access Control Options
0 = Disabled, no access monitor options
(Default = 0)
1 = Access Door Monitoring
2 = Access Door REX button
3 = Egress button - hold door open
4 = Global Fire Egress - hold all Access doors open
5 = Global Egress - hold all Egress doors open