6.4 Inch Tilt Touchpanel
Crestron Isys
The required wire gauge should be chosen such that the resistance value is less than
the value calculated in the resistance equation. Refer to the following table.
Wire Gauge Values
4 16
10 20
13 Doubled
Tripled CAT5
All Cresnet wiring must consist of two twisted pairs. One twisted pair is the
+24V conductor and the GND conductor, and the other twisted pair is the Y
conductor and the Z conductor.
When daisy-chaining Cresnet units, strip the ends of the wires carefully to
avoid nicking the conductors. Twist together the ends of the wires that share a pin on
the network connector, and tin the twisted connection. Apply solder only to the ends
of the twisted wires. Avoid tinning too far up the wires or the end becomes brittle.
Insert the tinned connection into the Cresnet connector and tighten the retaining
screw. Repeat the procedure for the other three conductors.
For additional general information on video connections over CAT5, refer
to the latest version of the Crestron CAT5 Wiring Reference Guide (Doc. 6137)
which is available from Crestron website.
For larger networks (i.e., greater than 28 network devices), it may be
necessary to add a Cresnet Hub/Repeater (CNXHUB) to maintain signal quality
throughout the network. Also, for networks with lengthy cable runs or varying types
of network devices, it may be desirable to add a hub/repeater after only 20 network
Identity Code
Every equipment and user interface within the network requires a unique Cresnet
Identity code (Net ID). These codes are assigned a two-digit hexadecimal number
from 03 to FE. Refer to "Interface Menu” on page 12 for instructions on setting the
unit's Net ID. The Net ID of the unit must match the Net ID specified in the SIMPL
Windows program. Refer to “Setting the Net ID in Device Settings” on page 24 for
an example of a SIMPL Windows program.
Configuring the Touchpanel
The only connection required to configure the touchpanel is power (supplied
via Cresnet). Refer to “Hardware Hookup” on page 17 for details.
To configure the unit, it may be necessary to access a series of setup screens prior to
viewing run-time screens that are loaded into the touchpanel for normal operation.
The MAIN MENU for configuring the touchpanel appears when a finger is held to
6.4 Inch Tilt Touchpanel: Crestron Isys
Operations Guide – DOC. 6076A