e-control Mail SW-MAIL
Server Configuration In Depth
Installation & Reference Guide — Doc. 5798
If the control system does not specify an address and this field has been left blank,
the specific address
is sent instead (subject to the following rules):
If neither the name nor the address is specified, both these values are used.
If a name is provided, but no address, the default address is used along with the
provided name.
If an address is provided, but no name, then neither of these values are used, and the
resulting “From:” header contains only the provided address.
Although, as noted, the “From:” address cannot be specified by the control system at
run-time, the “From:” name
be, so that a control system with devices in several
rooms can send e-mails with “From:” headers such as:
From: Ballroom <
From: Control Booth B <
Recipient Header
The recipient header in an e-mail message is the line beginning with “To:” at the top
of the message; it contains the name (optional) and e-mail address (required) of the
entity to whom the message is being sent.
Two fields appear in the
Recipient Header
frame of the
e-Mailer Signal Block
window. As defaults, the information provided therein is only used when
not otherwise specified (via control system signals).
Default “To” Name
field contains a default recipient name. If the control system
does not specify a name and this field has been left blank, the recipient header
appears without a name.
Default “To:” Addr
field contains a default recipient e-mail address. Use this
field to specify a default destination for unaddressed mail. If the control system does
not specify an address and this field has been left blank, the e-mail message cannot
be sent.
The following rules apply to forming the recipient name and address:
If neither the name nor the address is specified, both these defaults are used.
If a name is provided, but no address, the default address is used along with the
provided name.
If an address is provided, but no name, then neither default is used, and the resulting
“To:” header contains only the provided address.
Bound scrollers
These are references to scroller signal blocks. For interactive preparation of e-mail
messages, scrollers are typically configured to be bound to the canned e-mail