Crestron Isys™
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel
For a more descriptive symbol name, as shown in the previous illustration,
right mouse click on the touchpanel icon in the Network Modules folder in Program
View and select
Edit Symbol Comment
(alternatively, highlight the icon and
depress Ctrl+R or Tab). Enter a new descriptive name in the “Enter Symbol
Comment” dialog box and click OK.
Expand the Central Control Modules folder and double click on the CNXRY-16 for a
detail view (alternatively CTRL+D or drag and drop into Detail View). Assign
signals as shown after this paragraph.
Detail View of the CNXRY-16 in SIMPL Windows’ Programming Manager
All logic symbols necessary for the SIMPL Windows program must be added from
Symbol Library
in the Programming Manager workspace. In this example, drag
and drop two Interlock symbols from the Memory folder into the Logic folder in
Program View
. Expand the Logic folder and double click on both Interlock icons for
a detail view (alternatively CTRL+D or drag and drop into Detail View). Assign
signals as shown after this paragraph.
Detail View of a Interlocks (S-1 & S-2) in SIMPL Windows’ Programming Manager
Operations Guide - DOC. 5825
15 Inch Lectern Touchpanel: Crestron Isys™ TPS-6000L