Operations Guide – DOC. 5699A
Mouse/Keyboard Controller: CNMK
“Port Settings” Window
The parameters shown in the illustration above are the port settings for a
2-Series control system. Consult the Operations Guide for the control system being
used for exact parameter selection.
4. To verify communication, select
Diagnostics | Establish
Communications (Find Rack)
. This should display a window that
gives the COM port and baud rate. If communication cannot be
established, refer to the “Troubleshooting Communications” section in
the latest version of the 2-Series Control System Reference Guide
(Doc. 6256) or the respective Operations Guide for the other control
Uploading a SIMPL Windows Program
A control system source file has
the extension .smw. A compiled
SIMPL Windows file has the
extension .spz for a 2-Series
control system, .bin for CNX
generation, and .csz for CNX
generation with SIMPL+.
The SIMPL Windows file can be uploaded to the control system using SIMPL
Windows or via the Crestron Viewport.
Upload via SIMPL Windows
1. Start
2. Select
File | Open
to view the “Open” window, navigate to the SIMPL
Window file (.smw), and click
3. Select
Project | Transfer Program
Upload via Crestron Viewport
1. Verify that the procedure for “Communication Settings” that begins on
page 13 has been performed.