Before loading the kiln, there are several things you should do to prepare for a firing:
Remove all dust and chips that may have resulted from shipping (or previous firing). A small vacuum cleaner is very
useful in keeping your kiln clean. Dust in the kiln could cause imperfections in glazed ware.
Prepare a small amount of kiln wash. Kiln wash is a refractory material that prevents glazed pieces from sticking to
shelves. It is usually purchased as a dry powder and is then mixed with water to the consistency of skim milk. Use only high
fire kiln wash. Clean all your new shelves, then kiln wash only the top side of each shelf and the floor of the kiln, applying
with a paint brush. This will seal the dust and prevent glazes from adhering to these surfaces. Apply a paper thin coat, or it
may chip off. When the kiln wash wears off, bare spots only should be recoated keeping the kiln wash thin but the top of the
shelves covered. If glaze has dripped onto shelves, chip it off, smooth and re-apply kiln wash to these areas. Sandpaper may be
used to smooth these small areas before reapplying kiln wash. CAUTION: Do not coat the sidewalls, lid or bottom of shelves.
Take care to keep kiln wash off of the elements to avoid burning them out.
Plug the kiln in, making sure that the cord does not touch the kiln case which will become hot during firing.
The purpose of the first (break in) firing is to get rid of any moisture in the kiln, and to burn off the protective coating
on the elements. (This will produce some smoke) Be sure to read all safeguards (page 2) and study directions on firing before
you test fire your kiln. We recommend firing the kiln with the shelves and posts but empty of ware to cone 05.
This firing will produce a good oxide coating on the elements which will help protect them and increase element life.
We do not recommend firing ware in the first kiln firing (the fumes could be hard on the unprotected elements). The
first firing will test the shelves, a very small percentage of which may crack on the first firing. (Test firing shelves is a wise
precaution for any new shelves.)
Careful loading of ware in the kiln is important for satisfactory results. You need to plan the placement and distribu-
tion of the items to be fired. Careless, hurried loading might result in mishaps which could ruin hours of work. Also be sure
your hands are clean since dirt or oil may contaminate colors or affect the finish of your ware.
Remember that the insulating firebrick used in ceramic kilns is soft and fragile. Care should be taken to avoid dam-
aging the liner when loading (or unloading) the kiln. After several firings the brick may show fine cracks, particularly if the
kiln is fired to high temperatures (such as cone 6). This is normal and will not effect the function or structural integrity of your
The lid brace locks the lid in the open position for loading and unloading the kiln. Pull the lid up until the lid brace
engages the slot on the arm, then lower until the lid is solidly braced before letting go. To unlock, pull the lid brace arm up
while raising the lid a few inches, then lower the lid past the locking slot and gently close the lid. Do not drop the lid, as the
firebrick is fragile.
Make sure that any ware you put into your kiln is bone dry (not cold to the touch). If pieces are hand molded make
sure that no air pockets remain in the clay. This causes small “explosions” when fired, since the air expands and the moisture
turns to steam. Hollow out the solid pieces whenever possible. Thick solid pieces can be fired safely only at very slow heating
and cooling rates. Solid pieces tend to crack and break more easily during firing than hollowed pieces.
Your kiln is designed to provide as uniform a heat as possible throughout the firing chamber. The kiln should be
loaded in a balanced manner; mix heavy pieces and light pieces. When firing in the same load, light and heavy ware should
be alternated on the same shelf and distributed throughout the kiln to help the kiln heat evenly. This will assure that all pieces