In RAMP HOLD mode there are six user files available. Each file holds one custom program in permanent
memory. Each program may contain up to eight segments, and each segment has its own firing rate (degrees per
hour of temperature rise), its own temperature setpoint, and an optional hold time.
Temperature rate is the number of degrees per hour you wish the temperature in the kiln to rise in an hour.
Although the control will accept temperature rates from zero to 9999 degrees per hour, the kiln is limited by power
available, voltage, element condition, and the load. The kiln can not heat at a faster rate just because you set the
control to a rate exceeding its limitations. If you set the control for a rate faster than the kiln is able to heat, you will
cause an overfire because the cone table in the control will set the temperature unrealistically high for a fast rate
that is unachievable. A fast firing may have a temperature rise setting of 500
F per hour for the initial segment, but
the final segment should not be set higher than 108
F per hour, or 80
F per hour if firing to a temperature above
cone 6.
Temperature is the number of degrees you wish to reach in that segment before either holding (“soaking”)
for a specified time or continuing on to the next segment. You may not exceed 2350
F without damage to your
Hold is the amount of time you wish to “soak” the load at a given temperature before continuing on to
the next segment. If no hold time is desired, program in 0. The highest possible hold time is 99 hours 99 minutes.
In the display, numbers to the left of the decimal point represent hours; numbers to the right of the decimal point
represent minutes.
1) To create a custom program, from IDLE press the RAMP HOLD key. The display flashes
USEr and a number; select a user file number ( 1-6 ) to hold the program, then press the ENTER key.
2) The display flashes SEGS. Select the required number of segments ( 1-8 ), then press ENTER.
3) The display flashes RA 1. Select the heat up rate for segment #1 (measured in degrees per hour),
then press the ENTER key.
4) The display flashes
F (or
C) 1; select the end temperature for segment #1 (maximum
temperature is 2400
F), then press the ENTER key.
5) The display flashes HLd 1; select the hold time for segment #1(if necessary). Hold is an option.
Leaving the time at 00.00 means that there is no hold time; a time setting of 99.99 means that the
hold time is set to 99 hours and 99 minutes.
6) Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each additional segment.
7) The alarm function is also an option. Leaving the setting at 9999 means no alarm is set; otherwise se-
the desired temperature at which the alarm should sound. To silence the alarm,
press the
To review the new program, press the PREVIEW key. To start the new program, simply press the START key.
To start an existing (previously programmed) custom program, from IDLE press the RAMP HOLD key.
The display reads USEr. Select the file user number of the program to run, then press ENTER. The display reads