Using the Digipigi Parents and
Kids Apps for the first time
Digipigi Parents App
Video guide: youtu.be/kj-K2o8ueXs
1. On your smartphone, download the free Digipigi Parents app in the
Apple App Store or Google Play Store and open it.
2. Read and accept the terms of use.
3. Enter the six-digit Digipigi code. This can be found on the underside of
your Digipigi’s base.
4. Make sure that the Digipigi is in the “ACTIVE” mode (switched to
“ON”). If you are requested to, go to “Settings” on your smartphone,
and connect to the Digipigi WiFi. The Digipigi’s WiFi name consists of
“Digipigi_” and the six-digit Digipigi code. Switch from “Settings” back
to the Digipigi Parents app after your smartphone has successfully
connected to the Digipigi WiFi.
5. From the list, select your home WiFi, and then enter your WiFi
password. Follow the instructions on your smartphone. If you are
requested to, switch to “Settings” on your smartphone, and reconnect to
your home WiFi. Then switch back to the Digipigi Parents app.
6. Connect the Digipigi money box to the accounts of the Viva Kids
Banking Package via the free Credit Suisse Direct app. Your child will
have fun learning to manage digital money, for example whenever he
or she receives a balance update showing that pocket money has been
transferred digitally or money has been paid in.