WheatNet-IP contains an element known as a soft LIO or SLIO. An SLIO is a virtual logic port that itself
has no connection to the outside world but can be ported to or from a LIO. In the routing example above
you see the INGRLY1 (Ingraham Relay 1) LIO at the top of the screen routed to Z-SLIO1 (KLZ SLIO 1). Two
other LIOs from satellite relays, XDSARLY1 (XDS-A Relay 1) and XDSBRLY1 (XDS-B Relay 1) are routed to
Z-SLIO3 and Z-SLIO2 , respectively. Nexgen can be made to look at the SLIOs just like it could look at an
“opto” with the old analog switchers and fire off a spot block or whatever.
The graphic below shows the configuration of the LIOs on the ASERV 2 IP blade. Set the function to User
1, User 2, User 3, etc. and not one of the predefined functions that you will find available in a pull-down
list on the config screen. Give each LIO a name that makes sense, as in the instant example. We can tell
at a glance what the function of each LIO is.
Below the LIO configuration is the SLIO configuration. It is very important that the SLIP function be the
same as the LIO function that it will be routed from or to, e.g. INGRLY1 has a User 1 function and it is
mapped to Z-SLIO1 which also has a User 1 function. Note the same pattern for the other LIO-SLIO pairs.