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Casambi Network Bluetooth Communication Test
Perform this test after the unit has been unpaired.
1. Use the Casambi app to discover the unit within 5m free air
distance away.
2. Pair the unit to a new network on its own.
3. Press and hold the luminaire and operate the dimming
control slider. Operate to turn ON/OFF and dim up/down if it is
If the switched output response is OK, then the hardware and
software would appear to be working as expected. If the lights fail
to dim, then there may be an issue with the DALI line control that
needs to be investigated further.
Should the unit function ok as above then the issue is likely to be a configuration fault by the user.
Apply the procedure as recommended by the CP Electronics use guide using the initial settings laid
in Appendix 1 and use the basic setup for occupancy and daylight control as test routines.
In normal usage, all software parameters are set by the Casambi software and are completely
within the control of their system. Therefore, should any unexpected behaviour be encountered,
this would fall within the Casambi system and so all support to solve the issue should be addressed
by via Casambi.
B.1 To solve any basic lighting control operation, one must first apply all the
CP initial setup
recommended settings in Appendix 1.
B.2 Then try out the basic occupancy or daylight control examples in this guide.
Since all network setup is synchronized to the Casambi cloud, all setup information on the units
can be viewed from any Casambi app with access to the project on the internet. The user needs to
give the password credential access for viewing. From the setup information on the cloud, it may
be clear what errors were made in the setup.
To enable security sharing, configure
[Sharing] settings, under […More] => [Network setup] =>
[Sharing settings]