The Mobile Choice for your Broadband Internet
4GR-DOV-A004 © Dovado FZ-LLC, Quick User Guide & Reference Manual
Open source software notice
This product includes certain open source or other software originated from third parties that
are subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library/Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) and different and/or additional copyright licenses, disclaimers and notices.
You may obtain a complete corresponding machine-readable copy of the source code of such
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provide such source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing
such distribution, such as the cost of media, shipping and handling, upon written request to:
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
This offer is valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of the distribution of this
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Other names of companies, products, or standards are the trademarks or
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Reference manual 4GR.indd Avs1:50
Reference manual 4GR.indd Avs1:50
2010-03-12 13.13
2010-03-12 13.13