Thank you for choosing the Dovado USB Mobile Broadband Router
(4GR). This quick user guide will help you set up your 4GR to
access the Internet.
Package contents
Before continuing to the next section, make sure all of the listed items
below are included in your package. If something is missing, kindly
contact your reseller.
USB Mobile Broadband Router (4GR)
• Power supply
• Quick Wizard Guide and Reference Manual
Additional required items
In addition to the items above you will need a mobile broadband USB
modem in order for the product to work. This modem provides the
wireless link to your operator’s network and is sold separately. To use the
Internet you need a computer.
As the DOVADO portfolio of routers are constantly
being updated to support new modems, features as well as fi xes, it is advised
that you remain updated with the latest fi rmware. To download the latest
fi rmware, please visit
www.dovado.com/fi rmware
Reference manual 4GR.indd Avs1:3
Reference manual 4GR.indd Avs1:3
2010-03-12 13.13
2010-03-12 13.13