Figure 6-22 - Electrical connections of the indoor unit
1 - Main electrical supply (model 6 = 2,5 kW, 9 = 3,9 kW, 13
= 4,3 kW).
2 - Internal electrical resistance (3 kW). To enable it go to
the “BACK-UP” menu (section 8.2.10) and select if it is for
heating , DHW or both.
3 - Electrical supply (Max 10A). To enable it go to the “BACK-
UP” menu (section 8.2.10) and select the parameter
“Backup heating sources for sanitary hot water”. Then
write the “Backup source start accumulating value (HBH)”
and “Water temperature rise reading interval (HWTBH)”
parameter according to the use of the resistance.
4 - Electrical supply (Max 10A). To enable it go to the “BACK-
UP” menu (section 8.2.10) and select the parameter
“Backup heating sources for heating”. Then write the
“Backup source start accumulating value (HBH)” and “Water
temperature rise reading interval (HWTBH)” parameter
according to the use of the resistance.
5 - Not applicable.
6 - Pump. P1. To enable circulator P1 access the menu
“WATER PUMPS” (section 8.2.11) and act on the
parameters relating to “P1”.
7 - Pump. P2. To enable circulator P2 access the menu
“WATER PUMPS” (section 8.2.11) and act on the
parameters relating to “P2”.
8 - DHW pump P3. The pump is always enabled and is
activated when there is a DHW demand.
9 - DHW resistance. It must be enabled in the “BACK-UP”
menu (section 8.2.10) at the parameter “Backup heating
sources for sanitary hot water”.
10 - Outdoor unit.
11 - Heating resistance. It must be enabled in the “BACK-UP”
menu (section 8.2.10) at the parameter “Backup heating
sources for heating”.
12 - Not applicable.
13 - Modbus communication.
14 - Enable mixing valve (M51) circuit 1, via the parameter
“Mixing valve” in “ZONE 1” menù (section 8.2.1). When the
mixing valve is active, also connect the relative TV1 sensor
(detail “20”).
WARNING !!! Use only mixing valves with 0-10V
LEGEND of Figure 6-22: