1.8 Boiler settings and operation.
Cosmobit can dialogue with the boiler in 3 different operating modes, which must be selected directly on the boiler according
to the parameters:
Models MYDENS and Q30, parameter “2003”
MYDENS models built after 1/1/2019, parameter “2001”
Novadens, Cielodens, Inkadens, Topdens models, parameter “CH”
NOTE: consult the boiler manual for the boiler adaptation settings for the various types of system.
• Mode 0: the boiler starts and stops whenever the temperature detected by Cosmobit deviates by at least 0.5 ° C from the
setpoint set. The boiler flow temperature is calculated by a PID algorithm, present in Cosmobit, such as to calculate the
minimum flow temperature, sufficient to satisfy the room temperature set on Cosmobit . The adjustment mode obtained with
this setting could be affected by the thermal inertia of the system and therefore not very comfortable for the user.
•Mode 1: In this mode, the external probe must be installed on the boiler. The flow temperature is calculated based on the
climatic curve set on the boiler. The boiler starts or stops whenever the temperature detected by Cosmobit deviates by at least
0.5 ° C from the setpoint set. If the flow temperature, calculated from the climatic curve of the boiler, is too low, it is possible
that Cosmobit does not reach the desired temperature. It is advisable to set a sufficiently high climatic curve on the boiler.
The adjustment mode obtained with this setting is not affected by the thermal inertia of the system, resulting more
comfortable and more energy-saving than “Mode 0”.
1.9 Check connection between boiler and Cosmobit.
In order to check whether the boiler is correctly connected to Cosmobit, it is sufficient to generate the gas shortage error
(turn on the boiler and close the gas tap) and check that the same error number appears on the boiler on Cosmobit.
NOTE: at this time Cosmobit is not yet connected to the gateway, so the icon at the top right will flash, preceded by an
exclamation mark.