5.3 Comfort Opltimal Mode
If the modulating regulation of the boiler does not guarantee the desired comfort, often due to the low temperature of the
radiators, it is possible to use the OPC mode via the installation menu. This regulation mode provides a higher water delivery
temperature and therefore a greater radiant heat; this adjustment mode will be less economical than the “standard” one.
Dopo aver premuto nuovamente il pulsante destro, la
temperatura viene visualizzata in modalità OFF. Utilizzare
l’anello di regolazione per portarlo al valore desiderato.
Questa sarà la temperatura predefinita, quando il sistema è
impostato su OFF tramite l’app.
Pressing again displays the control mode. Through the
regulation ring it is possible to choose the standard mode
(Std) or the optimal comfort mode (OPc) (See §5.3).
Wait 10 seconds, after which Cosmobit will automatically exit
the installation menu.