5.2 PT100 and PT1000 probes
5.2.1 Representation of temperature values
Due to the high level of precision required of the temperature values processed by the module,
WaveTherm PT100 or PT1000 are true numbers (with a mantissa and exponent).
They are represented in the form of a 32-bit floating number.
The format used is the standard IEEE format with precision coded on 32 bits (+/-5.8774e-39 to
+/- 170,14e36)
Theoretic representation of a floating IEEE 32-bit in bytes :
Representation of the floating numbers in the radio buffer:
The radio module represents the 32-bit floating data in its buffers by coding them in LSB first. This is the
standard representation format used by the compilers C/C++ on PC.
A shift of the exponent allow to code it from E-127 to E+128
WaveTherm modules – application handbook
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